Callahan's Saloon
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Valentine's Day 1998 Poetry !

We hope you'll enjoy this anthology of new love poems. Did you know that, in ancient Greek, the word "anthology" meant "bouquet"? We've picked these fresh flowers so that you can share them with your beloved on Valentine's Day.

Love poems come in many forms: anguished, fulfilled, even humorous. Some poem here is bound to match your mood -- unless you're a heartless cynic. "Hah!" you may say. "How can today's poets possibly say anything original about love?"

Here's our answer: read it, then read on.

No New Love

There can be no new verse on love,
The words have all been sung.
There can be no new joys to feel,
Those bells have all been rung.
There can be no new notes to lift
The soul that wants to fly,
But every day a new love lives
And makes those words a lie.

There can be no new light that glows
In eyes that catch the sun.
There can be no new hearts to beat
As if they were but one.
There can be no new thoughts of love,
That did not rise before,
But every day a new love lives
And makes the world once more.

Copyright 1998 Cortland E. Richmond

Anguished Love Poems - Love Fulfilled Poems - Humorous Love Poems

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