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Why We're here!

... to have fun while providing a safe cyber meeting place for friends new and old to learn, to love, to enjoy each other's company with respect, tolerance, acceptance, and good humor.

Callahans Saloon has been on DelphiForums since 1993. It is loosely based on Spider Robinsons Callahans Saloon series in which friends meet, discuss issues and resolve problems without rancor - or personal attack.

Do come join us for fun, friendly discussion about the issues of our times!

About Ireland

We are an Irish Saloon afterall and our store of Irish lore has grown over the years and continues to grow. Check out our About Ireland gateway to the fun and entertainment. And do continue to send us send us your copyright-free stories, poems, recipes and toasts to add to the mix..:)

An Irish Blessing:

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the rain fall softly upon your fields.
And the sun shine warm upon your face.

And when you die, may you be in heaven
Half an hour before the devil knows you're dead.

Current Bar Rag

Current Bar Rag
All the news and more! Don't miss our collection of Previous Bar Rags.

Poets O'Callahan's

Poets O'Callahan's
Visit our
Poetry Area! for loads of excellent poetry and contest results!

Erin Go Bragh - Leprechaun Smoking a Pipe

Read Lou's, An Imperfect History -
The Story of Callahan's First Four Years!