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Callahan's July 1999 Bar Rag!

"To Callahan's Warmth
Wherever You May Be!"

In this issue:

Opening Toast - Manager's Corner -
Website News - Conference News - Message Board News -
Birthdays - Joke - Riddlers - Poem - Pun -
Closing Quote - Editor's Note - Joining Callahan's

Opening Toast

"But, in any case, I enjoy this place
and the kindly people who inhabit it.
Here's to all of you......! 


-- Lulu, in response to "To Comment, Or Not To Comment."

Manager's Corner

June was a milestone month!

First, we have three announcements. Patt MIST4 has become our Bar Rag editor and, in fact, put this Rag together. You may have noticed that it went out on the first of the month like it is supposed to.. That's Patt!

And Pewter PEWTERPOT has become a Website tender and is already maintaining the Off The Wall area.. There's a lot of work involved in putting out the Bar Rag and maintaining the Website, please thank Patt and Pewter heartily when you see them.

And Cstar CSTAR1 - has joined staff to become our Message Board Manager. Just look at all the trouble she's stirred up on the board already..! I'm really so pleased that she's taken on these new responsibilities. She, too, deserves your expression of gratitude - as I express mine here.

The coming month marks my second complete year as Manager of Callahan's and the beginning of the third. It calls to mind Angel's sad departure and our Community building efforts of those first few months. It also calls to mind the ongoing and transcendental warmth and magic of the place - a feeling I hope you've all felt and shared at some point.

This year July is also History and Biographies Month. This prompted me to write An Imperfect History of Callahan's as our July feature article. I hope you enjoy reading it. I plan to augment it as I learn or remember more details in the hope that it will someday become a definitive memory of the place. If you notice inaccuracies, please point them out to me so I can make the needed corrections.

And the beat goes on...!


Website News

We have a new Web Tender, (He doesn't want to be called the Webmaster since Lou has that title), Pewter (PEWTERPOT). We are looking forward to your contributions Pewter.

Speaking of which, Pewter has already updated our Off The Wall page with new content in the Burma Shave and Pickup Lines areas.

Also, we've added a Visual History of Callahan's page with links to various images and banners used here through the years. I think you'll like it.

And finally, our link to Our Poetry Page has been restored to Our Top Page. That should make the poetry lovers among us happy. Speaking of which, there were no less than three Poems About Callahan's in June - a new record!

Conference News

Mitzi gave us this special report on the toga party which was held on June 19, 1999:

Our annual toga party was graciously hosted by Morrigan who served Ambrosia, the nectar of the Gods. Cleopatra brought figs and grapes. Aphrodite, the wanton woman, looked lovely. She was especially interested in Zeus, who was wearing a way short blue toga, and who used his powers to fly up to the rafters to try to look down at the tops of woman's toga's.

If we are missing some bottles of Captain Morgan, I think I saw them flying out from behind the bar. We learned that Hermes is a time traveler and he had us all in stitches with his humor.

Diana The Hunter provided all the history lessons that we needed. We thought Cassius would never stop making excuses for killing Caesar. Cleopatra wasn't impressed.

We had a fun time playing "Hide The Berry", now who started that game anyway? Was there an Echo in the room? We also had visits from Japericus (I don't remember him in the history books,) Basil, Helen of Troy and Isis.

Will the God/Goddess who left their toga in the saloon please see the management?

Message Board News

CStar shared with us that her parents celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on June 18th. Congratulations from all of us go out to them!

Short poems! Long conversations!

Are you one of the people who always skip the poetry section? Shame on you! You're missing some great poetry! Lately, other discussions and play have been exploding there. Explore the collective conscience, play on the beach, philosophize with the thoughtful!

At last count, some 27 poets posted poems on the message board in the month of June. Several newcomers, including, Camille, Tstorm2000, Re_quest_ing, Kifli, Harmony4J, Lenorenevmor, DrZ, and Rick have shown their work for the first time at Cal's. Welcome to all of you, and thanks. Thank you also, to our "regular" contributors, whose consistent quality has made Callahan's a favorite spot for poetry lovers. It looks like Peter's poetry ads on other forums are paying off in new friends!

Something interesting has been happening in poetry this month. Short poems have been turning into some rather long conversations, some generating as many as 50 to 100+ additional posts. Some of these discussions are related to the original poem, some not.

THE MATHEMATICS OF FLIGHT by DrZ has gone from a short provocative poem through alphabetical conversations, to discussions on the nature of truth. This poem has also sparked a collection of poems about flight, in all its many forms. If you have one to add, see THE DYNAMICS OF FLIGHT.

DARK DESIRES by Pewterpot erupted into a full scale sand castle building party and picnic, then degenerated into a pun fest in other threads. Poetry has never looked quite like this before.

We've mixed our months a bit, and continued our discussions about Women authors from May. Look through WOMEN AUTHORS for some great author and book recommendations from our patrons. June was mythology month at Callahan's, and while the main party seemed to have been in conference, there are a couple of links in the JUNE IS MYTHOLOGY MONTH thread that may be of interest to you. There's also a great story by Peter about Mus, and a captivated Mouse.

What makes a good post go crazy? Lou's daily quote from 5/29/99:Greatness "The price of greatness is responsibility" by Winston Churchill sounds serious enough... little did he expect it to degenerate into singing the Spiderman theme song, and Beatles tunes, and then progress to a discussion on lucid dreaming.

So many discussions! So little space!

CAR BROKE BLUES by N.Tesla, GOODBYE TO GERRY CONLIN by Selena, GRAVITY, PEACE, compromise vs. cooperation, David Brewer, Bob Hall, Debbie, bardabard, Walt, Kay, Bright, Saint... you're all making my head hurt! Don't stop!

Thanks to all who have contributed to a wonderfully active message board!

Birthdays This Month

Better late than never, we heartily congratulate:

Cortland   KA5S   June 15

Riddlers of The Month

The first three correct solvers of Mikel's MayDay 1999 Riddle were Ilyana, Thomas Hinds and Barb. Congratulations to all.

It's a lot easier to create a riddle than to solve one. We're always on the lookout for help with content here so send us your riddle creations today!

And see Mikel's July 1999 Riddle for your chance to win a Spider Robinson book from our bookstore!

Joke of The Month

Things likely to be overheard if you had a Klingon Programmer:

Specifications are for the weak and timid!

This machine is a piece of GAGH! I need dual Pentium processors if I am to do battle with this code!

You cannot really appreciate Dilbert unless you've read it in the original Klingon.

Indentation?! - I will show you how to indent when I indent your skull!

What is this talk of 'release'? Klingons do not make software 'releases.' Our software 'escapes' leaving a bloody trail of designers and quality assurance people in its wake.

Klingon function calls do not have 'parameters' - they have 'arguments' and they always win them.

Debugging? Klingons do not debug. Our software does not coddle the weak.

I have challenged the entire quality assurance team to a Bat-Leth contest. They will not concern us again.

A true Klingon Warrior does not comment his code!

By filing this 'Bug Report' you have challenged the honor of my family. Prepare to die!

You question the worthiness of my code? I should kill you where you stand!

Our users will know fear and cower before our software! Ship it! Ship it and let them flee like the dogs they are!

-- Kirwand 6/09/99

Poem of the Month - You Keep Telling Me

you keep telling me
about picking oranges in the hot sun
about how fresh they are, how sweet
and juicy when you peel away
the rough skin; you keep
telling me how good they taste
when you bite into them
but do you ever hear
me asking to come along?


Pun of the Month

anorexic rebels? mall nourished mall contents?

with poor attitudes.. mall adjusted mall nourished mall contents

Punday night at Callahan's... a prescription for lunacy

-- Beth in a 6/22/99 conference

Closing Quote

"Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to infuse them with shades of deeper meaning. 

-- Maya Angelou

Joining Callahan's

Joining Delphi is easy and FREE. The easiest way is to click on My Delphi and you'll automatically be sent to the registration screen. Then you can post on our message boards and join in our conferences.

Membership is absolutely FREE!!! No gimmicks!!! Come visit us!!!

Editor's Note

We hope you find the Bar Rag entertaining and informative. We can always use good pieces and writers here. If you have something you would like to submit, or have a comment, good or bad, about the newsletter, or if you wish to be added to or removed from our Bar Rag mailing list, simply send us a note.

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