Callahan's Con is -wonderful-.
If you're used to the short story collections, then it's
a neat new way of looking at the characters many years
since; if you've read everything up til now, than a few
memorable characters return.
For both, a -whole- lot of cool stuff is in this story.
Without giving away plot points, there are characters
connected to other characters from past Callahan's stories
who play largish roles in the shifting storylines in Con.
Also, and this is implied on the dust cover so I'm not
giving anything away, a major character does not live
through the proceedings.
This is handled beautifully, and I confess that I got a
bit bleary-eyed.
There are enough puns to make you cringe for a long time,
and the pun at the end of chapter two was SO incredibly
awful I swear to God I threw the book against the wall.
Then there's another amazing mind-meld sequence, of which
Spider's writing always makes me feel as if I am indeed
within several minds at once.
Long story short, GO GET CALLAHAN'S CON!