Callahan's Saloon
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E-mail Safety and Spam!

To avoid spam and harassment, it's best to avoid giving out your ISP email address to those you meet online. We encourage you to use a "web-based" email account for your dealings with strangers, including those at Callahan's. This way if you start getting too much spam - or harrassment - you can easily abandon the account.

Examples of web-based accounts would be Hotmail, Yahoo, GMail, and These type accounts are not associated with your ISP - Internet Service Provider - and therefore, should not be directly traceable to you. If the web based server doesn't have any of your personal information such as name (if you choose to go under a pseudonym) address or city, so much the better.

Also you should avoid sending out group email messages which will give strangers each other's email addresses. Sooner or later, a spammer will get hold of those addresses!

As a general rule, you do not want to ever "send this to every person you know." You will receive many emails asking you to do just that. Consider them spam - even if your mother sent them to you - and delete them..:)

Also, deleting is often the preferred way to get relief from spam. Writing to have your name removed from a list you didn't join in the first place often just tells a spammer he has a live person, and your spam will quadruple.

Email attachments (and attachements such as images posted on our board at Callahans) could contain a virus. Never open either without first purchasing and installing a good anti-virus program. Update it often.

DelphiForums gives us the ability to send blind email. Therefore, people can email you from Callahans without knowing your email address. If you respond to such email, you will reveal your email address.

If you must contact someone, and don't want to post an open message, you can click on a profile, and send that person a message through the email link. If you do, the person you're contacting will have your email address of record (whatever you used to sign up with DelphiForums.)

If you receive unwanted email from anyone, DO NOT respond. To this point they don't have your email address - but if you respond, you give it to them. Please report unwanted email to Staff. If you think there is a violation of DelphiForum's Terms of Service, please forward any pertinent information along with posts to "" To forward a post, click on Options at the bottom of any message, and select"email this post."

Please do not ask people on the board or in conference at Callahan's for their email address - or any other personal information.
Please do not encourage folks to contact you privately concerning any matter.
Please do not respond to such requests, but report them to Staff.

We try to make Callahan's as friendly and safe a place as possible, but we're not infallible in our judgments, and we can't be everywhere. If it cannot be posted publicly on the board, email someone blind through the profile. Don't make people feel uncomfortable for not wanting to make their email address public. It is private information, and no one is under any obligation to reveal it.

If you receive harassing emails, you can take steps to protect yourself. Let staff here know what's going on if someone is emailing you from your profile from Callahan's. Contact your ISP, or other email provider to report the harassment. Contact the other person's email provider to report the harassment. In most cases, the address will be Some providers are more responsive than others. If the email violates any laws, report it to your local police. Many police departments these days are setting up special units to deal with electronic crime. Don't give up, and don't give in to harassment.

An additional word:

It is tough to ensure that any online communications are private. Powerful encryption software might help, but they are not foolproof. You will be putting yourself at some risk if you send sensitive personal information (passwords, address, phone number, Social Security Number, credit card numbers, vacation dates) via chat, forum postings, email or post them on your personal web page.

If you publish information on a personal web page, direct marketers and others may collect your address, phone number, email address and whatever else you post that they find useful.

Some users create one or more online personas. Keep in mind that folks may not really be who they appear to be.

Please use extreme caution about meeting online friends in real life. Communicating with someone online may create a sense of intimacy and trust that might not transfer to real life. If you do want to get together, then it is probably best to meet in groups and in a public place. Using nicknames is so natural to us that many of us at Callahan's Gatherings never get past calling each other by our nicknames..:)

Please... take care to be safe.

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