The only battlefield worth fighting in
The only war where you won't recognize the enemy,
there are no uniforms, no loyalty,
no codes of ethics,
no boundries will go uncrossed,
no lines will go unbroken
no treachery will go untried
The only war humans wage where there is no honor,
unless you give it to yourself...
The only war where you have no comrades...
you fight alone... totally alone...
Love is death
Love is a doorway... a passage... a rite
Love requires both the death and the door
Love silently waits for the traveler to climb the hill
go through the gate
Love pushes some, pulls some, drags some, and leaves some
Love reaches out and finds some, and some find love
Love is lonely... pain... confusion... fear... but in the end?
Love is the center of all that is life
By s reynolds