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Welcome to Our October 1998 Riddle Page

There are 10 sets of clues... Each clue yields a word or phrase. The ten words or phrases taken together are related to a theme. The object is to solve the theme and *all* the clues

As an example, the clues 'Goldfish + Go in' = Carp + Enter = Carpenter. But beware, 'Beginning Vacation' may be Vac..:)

There is a link to the submission form at the end of the riddle. Okay, let's see what you can do:

October 1998 Riddle

1) Container + Sandra __

2) Use Your Tongue + Center + Asian Staple

3) Come Together + Theatre Name

4) Tobacco Plug + Copier Task

5) Fortune Teller + Not Down

6) Hard Water + Loud Yell

7) Not Hard + 12 Peers + Pen Fluid

8) Sol + Half 48 Hours

9) Saw ____ + Kind + Agitate

10) Attila + Leg Joint

When you have all the answers and the theme for the riddle, submit them.

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