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Callahan's June 1999 Bar Rag!

"To Callahan's Warmth
Wherever You May Be!"

In this issue:

Opening Toast - Manager's Corner -
Website News - Conference News - Message Board News -
Birthdays - Joke - Riddlers - Poem - Pun -
Closing Quote - Editor's Note - Joining Callahan's

Opening Toast

Shared joy is always increased and shared pain lessened so welcome to Callahan's. To the future which is infinite in possibilities. May we all find joy that is increased together and may all our pains be lessened!


-- C_RAVEN, in a response to Jim's Toast to the Future.

Manager's Corner

Summer is upon us..

And unfortunately we must say a temporary farewell to some of our friends. Elizabeth Kate is off to the out-of-doors and will be out of communication with the world until August. We did hear of a rumored way we *might* hear about her summer adventure - still, we can't wait for her return!

It's been a tough spring for me as I got way behind because of job requirements. I hate when work interferes with Callahan's, don't you..? I appreciate the many letters I've received offering to help with maintaining the site. Patti (MIST4) has offered to edit this Bar Rag and beginning next month, she will. *Please* thank Patti for this significant time contribution to our community.

We welcomed Cstar as a new tender in May - and immediately put her to work writing this month's Message Board News. After all, David's trial generated a *lot* of posts and was largely, I'm told, her doing.. but let me not give away the plot..:)

I've received several emails about Cstar from new patrons - and all of them are about her warm hospitality.. Welcome to staff, Cstar..:)

We know for a fact that there was a Gathering in Dallas over the holiday (Memorial Day, USA) weekend but details are sketchy.. Maybe next edition we'll have details.

And trust me, I'm playing ketchup as fast as I can..:)


Website News

We have been adding great content to the site, even if our top page hasn't been updated. I should warn you that I've added a voice welcome to our top page but may have to take it down if it causes the page to load too slowly. Let me know..:)

Conference News

We didn't get a lot of conference news this month. Punday Nights are going well as are Poetry Nights and Carrie is enjoying her Monday Night conference..

Ken has told us that he cannot continue his scheduled Sunday Night conference and he'll be sorely missed. Ken has been one of our *most* popular tenders. It's not completely bad news though, Ken is threatening to revive his spontaneous "Happy Hour" conferences.. We all look forward to seeing him here often.

Mike cannot get online right now but we hope to see him again soon. In addition to editing our Bar Rag as mentioned above, Patti has also been holding Mike's Saturday Night conferences. We're all grateful to her for the way she's stepped up.

Also on the plus side is the appointment of Cstar as tender. She's a natural tender and already becoming popular with our patrons. We look forward to *your* first conference with her..:)

Another big news item came in at the last minute: Mitzi and Bob celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary on May 31st. Congratulations to the happy couple for achieving this significant milestone!

Looking ahead, June is Mythology Month at Callahan's and we may have a party based on Mythology - maybe even the Star Wars Mythology..

Message Board News

It all started innocently (yeah, right, David) enough, a *900* number, a little insatiable curiosity.... in the end, there were feathers, kangaroos, frogs, lime Jell-O balloons, tax decisions, a flying 10 foot electric spatula, pooper scooper fortunes won and lost, poetry, limericks, puns, and a list of 23 charges pending against David Brewer.

We continued with successful (no "attempted" to it) judicial bribery, flying defendants, resigning attorneys, and a trial that never really got off the ground. Or did it? "Stimulating Conversations," "Rest," "Questions About Kangaroos," "David's Day in Court," and "Courthouse Blues" all got so hopelessly intertwined, that some 350+ odd (some extremely odd) posts later, we're still not quite sure what happened. Except that it was a lovely night to look at the stars, wasn't it?

Thanks to David, Cstar, Elizabeth Kate, Barb, Kestral, Pewter, Yolaxochitl, JP, Carrie, Mitzi, Yorick, Shameaa, Bob Hall, Kay, Peter, Moby, and all else who joined in the fun. A special thanks to Judge Lou! (even if he did dismiss all the charges!)

Punstergal's graduating from high school! She's been named valedictorian of her class, and has all of our congratulations. Between the poem and the kangaroo, it should be an interesting speech!

Our poetry section has been very active this month. Justbecki recently returned, and has posted several new works including "My Heart Flies to Find You." Other poets have been busy as well: Sunflower, DarkEyes, Saint, FJ Mitchell, Yolaxochitl, EllenElizabeth, JP, Lulu, Heidi, and Richard Hutchison have added their work to the board.

Elizabeth Kate has given us a well received, "Waiting For the Butterfly," David Brewer took a few moments out of his busy court schedule to post his new version of "Procrastination," and its new complementary Concrastination."

DarkEyes has added an interesting touch to the poetry section - lessons in recitation in RealAudio format. We heard her lovely voice for the first time, reciting "Without Forever." Is this something we can look forward to seeing/hearing more of?

The more serious side of discussions on the Callahan's board, has been represented this month by continuing discussions on Irish politics, anarchy, history, tribalism, the NATO bombings, the Columbine High School shootings, and bombs in schools. Lou's "Quote for the Day" is starting to kick off some discussions, and I keep wondering, "who are all these people that say this 'quotable' stuff?"

Birthdays This Month

Birthday Greetings were heartily extended to:

Shady   SHADYJAY   May 1
Bo   CBRENNON   May 10
Doc   METCALFR   May 21
Peter   BRATCHILD   May 26

Riddlers of The Month

The first three correct solvers of Mikel's MayDay 1999 Riddle were Ilyana, Jim Crowley and Barb. Congratulations to all.

It's a lot easier to create a riddle than to solve one. We're always on the lookout for help with content here so send us your riddle creations today!

And see Jim & Cathy's June 1999 Riddle for your chance to win a Spider Robinson book from our bookstore!

Joke of The Month

A bear went into a bar and ordered a beer. He gave the bartender a twenty and the bartender went to the other end of the bar to put the money in the register.

The second bartender whispered to the first, "He's a bear, what does he know, shortchange him."

The first bartender brings the bear $10 in change. A little while later the bartender starts talking to the bear and mentions, "We don't get many bears in this bar."

The bear replies, "I'm not surprised, at $10 a beer I sure won't be back again!"

-- from Lou

Poem of the Month - A Thought Away

And when the winds of fate upon me blow
Like dust I'd scatter in the universe
You'd think I left you but I am the glow
That in your dark eyes did immerse.
I am the ache you feel within your breast,
A thought away, and I am here with you.
I am your smile for on your lips I rest,
Reminding you of all the joys we knew.
I am the smoke that brushes by your eyes
On days you miss me, wishing I were there.
I am the twinkles on the starlit skies,
Each breath you take for I am in the air.
I've pledged my love to you until my death
Your name will be upon my dying breath.

-- DarkEyes May 31, 1999

Pun of the Month

I see you have had some exposure to photography. I may not be able to top you, but let's see if I can slide one past the pro-ejector.

An anonymous (by choice) photographer was touching up a photo for a new layout in a risque magazine. He wanted to increase the red level in the skin tones (wanting a blushing beauty.) He reached for his usual masking material (so she would not be a red head as well), but it was missing.

Unfortunately he was at a time critical point in the developing process. Dismayed, he quickly surveyed the room for a makeshift tool. Spotting a old five and a quarter inch floppy disk wedged under a chemical pan, he whipped out his scissors and produced his hair die in seconds.

As it happened, he was just a bit too slow, and too much time had passed. Still, he remains the first known photographer to get an over exposed lady from the red light disk trick.

-- Mikel PEWTERPOT in a 5/6/99 post

Closing Quote

To err is understandable, to admit it is unlikely.

-- William Arthur Ward

Joining Callahan's

Joining Delphi is easy and FREE. The easiest way is to click on My Delphi and you'll automatically be sent to the registration screen. Then you can post on our message boards and join in our conferences.

Membership is absolutely FREE!!! No gimmicks!!! Come visit us!!!

Editor's Note

We hope you find the Bar Rag entertaining and informative. We can always use good pieces and writers here. If you have something you would like to submit, or have a comment, good or bad, about the newsletter, or if you wish to be added to or removed from our Bar Rag mailing list, simply send us a note.

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