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Callahan's June 1998 Bar Rag!

In this issue:

Opening Toast - Manager's Corner - Conference News - Message Board News - Birthdays - Joke - Riddlers - Poem - Pun - Closing Quote - Editor's Note - Joining Callahan's

Opening Toast

To life, love, and the pursuit of God's Blessings :)

-- Jim Crowley May 11, 1998

Manager's Corner

Last Friday night, we had an energetic conference about 'military' matters for several hours and even some people who don't normally enjoy talking about such things told us they enjoyed themselves. It was an impromptu focused chat and I, too, enjoyed it.

Less than 24 hours later, on Saturday, May 30, 1998, word comes to us from Marie (MARIE36) that Joe (JOEVIA), one of the active participants in that conference has passed away after a long struggle with cancer.

Joe only recently found our community but he expressed joy in doing so and we all found him to be decent, fair and thoughtful. He fit right in. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends.

Ken proposed the following toast upon hearing the sad news:

"To the war on drugs, the war on assault weapons, and all the other wars that seem to take precedence over the war on cancer - may our beloved government sometime in the future get their priorities straight..."

I hope you don't find the upbeat nature of the rest of this Bar Rag too jarring. The content herein was 99% completed when the sad news arrived.

I am very pleased with the growth of our Community in recent days. Not only are we making and keeping new friends (and finding old friends sitting in the corner), not only does worthwhile content for our Website keep rolling in, not only has there been good natured banter on our message board, not only has there been very rewarding conversations in our chat rooms of late, but (and this is important) the level of caring - and sharing - in all these areas is perceptively higher.

I am gratified to see wonderful support offered to those who share their pain (and their joy) both on the board and in chat. We sometimes can't do much more than listen..and share.. but often that's enough. And it's the effort that counts. I'm very very grateful to those of you who understand and reach out...

If you want a text version of this newsletter via email, or know someone who does, just send us a request including the full email address.

Conference News

Ken and Crowley entertained the room with an impromptu Punday Night on the evening of May 17. The puns really flew which is more believable than the nuns really flew, notwithstanding Sally Fields.
On May 29th, we had an discussion of military events including the origins of World War II. Many of the participants said they enjoyed the discussion even though military matters did not usually interest them. How did it happen that we had this topic..? Well - maybe the fact that we had 4 teachers in the room, and one (John) taught US History, was a factor. All in all an interesting discussion!
Thanks to everyone who showed up to make our Toga Party a great success. The group consisted of, Octavia, Bucchus, Juliet, Juno, Vesta, Cleopatra, Pan, Athena, Aphrodite, Bruto, Precival, casper, Helen of Troy, Hercules, Zena, Vesta and more.

Ok, so some were actually from Greece or a different era, we still had fun. Some nice Togas were worn, there was a great Wine Fountain. We'll do it again next year.

Since many of us were actually doing characters from Shakespeare, we will do a Shakespearian night in the fall. Stay tuned for details.

Cat Moore, past manager of Callahan's Saloon visited us this month in conference with the new username of MADCATTER. Welcome back, Cat!
Nikki (NikkiT) graduated from Cutter Morning Star High School on May 22, 1998. Congratulations, Nikki!
The Professor (SANDVOSS) told us one night that he had started a new job on May 11. Good luck to you, Prof!
And late one Sunday night, the conversation turned to spinach and Popeye and left us all with two burning questions:

1) Who, exactly, is the Sea Hag..?, and
2) Who is Sweet Pea's father..?

Anyone out there know..?

Message Board News


We approached and passed our 25,000th message!! Nick (CLOUD9) made a valiant effort to post on that special number but HI413 walked away with the prize! It was fun to watch and 26,000 will be here before you know it Nick, get ready :)
There was a discussion on religion, and wars and religion, and lots of patrons wrote about their all-time favorite guitarists. Then we talked about some of our favorite books and authors, favorite movies, and favorite TV shows. Northern Exposure was an all-around great, but others mentioned were The X-Files, Picket Fences, Mission Impossible, Monday Night Football, Seinfeld, ER, The Practice, Law And Order, Nothing Sacred, and Life Goes On.

What is *your* favorite line from a movie..?

Doc, METCALFR, just returned to us from the sunny shores of Palm Beach... or was that Cygnus? Good to have you back, Doc!
Selena, SILLIEST, wrote a wonderful post about the Dublin Pubs she knows and enjoys and seemed to take us along with her as she wrote it. It was one of the most enjoyable armchair travels I've done in a long while - thank you Selena!
We are really lucky to have so many wonderful poets sharing their works with us. There were treasures posted almost every day. A big thank you to KA5S, VIDJED, MSHRTAKE, HI413, ROSE8364, BARDONE, SILLIEST, GLORIANA'S CAT, METCALFR, the friend of JACQUELYN22, ANDRERO, JOLIEE, GLORIANA, PHDESMOND, WICKEDT, NFM, KATHYC, LARDARON, and RWDYER.
Jokes abounded also and are being added to our Callahan's web site on our Off the Wall section. If you ever find yourself in a blue funk, you're almost guaranteed a mood turn-around by visiting Off The Wall.
The debate is on - what would be the best site for our next Callahan gathering? Florida? Texas? Tennessee? New Orleans?
In message #25002, Nick shocked us all with his string of fake expletives! Remember Nick... "NOT around the boy, Angelo!" LOL :)
"Grandma" visited our message board and gave us 45 rules for a happy life. These are good ones..:)
Gloriana wondered if email wasn't too impersonal in some cases ... and most of us agreed marriage proposals are best done in person! :)
Phleems off to Doc, who's still foshing mokely. (You make me weak, Doc!!)
Oh, and a post-script to SILLIEST: something random... :)


Birthdays This Month

Birthday Greetings were heartily extended to:

Shady   SHADYJAY   May 1
Hollywood7   HOLLYWOOD7   May 2
Jim   JMCANDREW   May 4
Doc   METCALFR   May 21
Peter   BRATCHILD   May 26

Riddlers of The Month

Rissa (RISSATOO) and was the only successful May 1998 Riddle solver this month. Her prize is on the way! See our June 1998 Riddle for your chance to win a prize from our bookstore!

Joke of The Month

The local zoo had just acquired their first gorilla. Within a few weeks, the female gorilla became very ornery, and difficult to handle. Upon examination, the zoo veterinarian determined the problem. The gorilla was in heat.

To make matters worse, there were no male gorilla available. While reflecting on their problem, the zoo administrators noticed Bubba, an employee responsible for cleaning the animals' cages. Bubba, it was rumored, possessed ample ability to satisfy any female, but he wasn't very bright.

So, the zoo administrators thought they might have a solution. Bubba was approached with a proposition: would he be willing to "service" the gorilla for five hundred bucks?

Bubba showed some interest, but said he would have to think the matter over carefully. The following day, Bubba announced that he would accept their offer, but only under three conditions. "First," he said, "I don't want to have to kiss her. Secondly, I want nothing to do with any offspring that may result from this union."

The zoo administration quickly agreed to these conditions, so they asked what his third condition was. "Well," said Bubba, "you've gotta give me another week to come up with the five hundred bucks."

Poem of the Month

A Limerick

I once was a regular here.
Best noted for limericks and cheer.
I'm back now to stay,
So clear me a way,
Keep the limerick landing pad clear!

-- Doc (METCALFR) May 10

Pun of the Month

Happiness is no laughing matter.

-- Richard Whately, Archbishop of Dublin (died 1863)

Closing Quote

Give what you have. To someone, it may be better than you dare to think.

-- Longfellow

Joining Callahan's

Joining Delphi is easy and FREE. The easiest way is to visit our web page. Just click on the "Forum" or "Chat" link and you'll automatically be sent to the registration area... Then you can post on our message boards and join in our conferences.

It's FREE!!! Come visit us!

If you want a text version of this newsletter via email, or know someone who does, just send us a request and include the full email address.

Editor's Note

We hope you find the Bar Rag entertaining and informative. We can always use good pieces and writers here. If you have something you would like to submit, or have a comment, good or bad, about the newsletter, please send your email to me. If you wish to be added to or removed from our Bar Rag mailing list, please send a note to Lou.

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