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Callahan's Bar Rag November 1997 Edition !

In this issue:

Opening Toast - Manager's Corner - Conference News - Message Board News - General News - Pun of the Month - Closing Quote - Editor's Note - Joining Callahan's

Opening Toast

"You see Tom, moral issues never change. Only social ones."
-- Mike Callahan, in "The Time-Traveler"

Manager's Corner

We expected an upturn in message posting and conference activity this month and we were not disappointed! I'd like to welcome our new friends into our community and introduce them to one of Callahan's central traditions - the toast.

We toast to give people the opportunity to discuss what's on their mind. Sometimes a person needs to talk and doesn't quite realize it. Toasting very often brings the need into the open and leads to helpful suggestions and support from all the patrons in the room. Most of the time we simply have fun in our chat rooms, and toasting can be merry - so please toast often.

To make a toast in conference, it is traditional that you "approach the line." The "line" refers to the chalkline drawn on the floor from which you make your toast and from which you hurl your empty glass into the fireplace after doing so..

Other patrons in the room, when seeing someone "approach the line", instantly give that person their undivided attention. They also, if they agree with or approve the toast, as is usual, hurl their own glasses into the fireplace with a loud "**SMASH**"

You continue to receive the undivided attention of the group after your toast - just in case you want to explain the toast, or otherwise expound on what's on your mind. Once the group sees the toast is truly finished, the conversation returns to normal.

You may toast on any subject and your toast may be as simple as, " To World Peace!" Toasting is encouraged not only in conference but also on the message board. I hope I'm there for your first toast - or your next toast...!


Conference News

We have lots of new friends visiting our chat rooms now and our tenders have lots of work to do. We can all help our tenders by remembering some basic Netiquette rules. Children may possibly enter our open scheduled chat rooms. Please use a private room for discussions that might not be suitable for them - or which might offend an adult who enters the room in the middle of the discussion.

We had several interesting discussions this month. The most interesting ending of a conference occurred when we were discussing the origins of the American Civil War. Janice (DAWNSLITE) said, " Personally, I think slavery should only exist between consenting adults!" We moved on to another topic...:)

Message Board News

October was a busy month on the forum. On the Political side, we continued to discuss The HIV Virus and new drug therapies. Cherrie (CHERRIE) reported that her husband Mitch was denied having the day off of his Jewish New Year. This report produced lots of support for Cherrie and Mitch along with discussions of unions and downsizing. Kathy (KATHYC) provided the view from Management and Stockholders who are trying to make a profit.

Ginger (MMERMELSTEIN) gave some history of The Jewish Holidays. Kathy shared a report by Sally's (SALLY1333) sister of some of the good things unions do.

Jeanne (JEANNEK) posted a report by WOC, Women Organizing for Change. The report told of a Women's March on Washington on October 18th, 1997 that got very little publicity. Oky (OKYOKY) posted a study by the World Bank on business related travel and how differently it effects men and women.

Peter (PHDESMOND)shared with us the sad news that college students are falling out of the sky and we discussed these deaths. Lou (ROSE8364) brought up topics on Multiculturalism and Sexual Harassment. The Sexual Harassment topic continued in his Friday night conference.

And on a lighter side, Doc (METCALFR) got us in an Autumn mood with his humorous post of "10 reasons why Trick or Treating is better than Sex." Jeanne posted on "How to Sing the Blues" and Peter posted a report on an Ann Landers article about someone who patented a musical condom! This provoked a lively discussion on various songs that might be used :)

Shady (SHADYJAY) told us about a book she read that affected her profoundly. The book was called "Tuesdays with Morrie" Mitzi (MITZIPROCTOR) mentioned a book called "Downsize This" but couldn't remember the author when Dan (DANCULBERSON) bailed her out by reminding her that Michael Moore was the author.

We welcomed Sally (SALLYC1333) to our forum. Sally is an accomplished bass player and a manager of the Zodiac Forum on Delphi. We were pleased that Phoenix (Ravenlord), Chris (LARDARON) and Pilgrim (Pilgrimbob) returned to the forum.

We congratulated Japers (JAPERS) as our newest tender. Visit Japers on Tuesday nights in Callahans Chat. We wished our Canadian Friends a Happy Thanksgiving.

Kak posted us two book reviews on Spider Robinson's "Lifehouse" and "Night of Power".

Oky provided a list of all of Spider Robinson books available on the Amazon Bookstore Web Page, Mitzi reported that "The Callahan Chronicals" is now in bookstores. "The Callahan Chronicals" is a collection of three of Spider's earlier books that are no longer in print or are hard to find.

Our Poetry topic was active as usual. Jeanne posted poetry on Solitude and Justice and a most thought provoking one on John Denver which summarized our feelings on the untimely demise of John Denver. Dan offered a humorous poem called "Word from Cliche". Cameron (HHMCAMERON) shared several poems on Love, Music and Dance and Time.

Lou reported that our October Web page featured Roxy's Ramblings this month. Also on the web page are the winners of the September Callahans Poetry Contest. Winners have all been awarded prizes of Spider Robinson Books and the books are in the mail. Dan reported that The Babyboomers Forum now has a new web page thanks in part to our own Lou.

Lou posted Delphi's Pricing Plan. Dennis provided the Auditorium Web Chat FAQ. Callahans Saloon is there on Monday's at 10 pm and Saturday's at 9:00 pm both Eastern. We learned that Curt passed his EMT Exam. Way to go Curt!

It was reported that Kak had been "under the weather" and we all sent Happy Thoughts and it worked. The very next day, Kak was back with us in conference. Welcome back Kak, and we are glad that you are alive and well. Mitzi asked for a list of all birthdays and got a good response both on the forum and in email. And she learned that Dan is a stubborn goat, so stay out of Dan's way!

General News

Birthday Greetings are heartily extended to:

October 10 - Kathy (KATHYC)
October 13 - Jocelyn (JF)

Pun of the Month

Two Eskimos sitting in a kayak were chilly, but when they lit a fire in the craft it sank - proving once and for all that you can't have your kayak and heat it, too.

Editor's Note

I'd like to welcome everyone to the November 1997 edition of the Bar Rag. We hope you find it entertaining and informative. We can always use good pieces and writers here. If you have something you would like to submit, or have a comment, good or bad, about the newsletter, please send your email to me.

Closing Quote

"When I die, I want to go peacefully in my sleep, like my grandmother, not screaming like the passengers in her car."
-- Janice

Joining Callahan's

Joining Delphi is easy and FREE. The easiest way is to visit our web page. Just click on the "Forum" or "Chat" link and you'll automatically be sent to the registration area... Then you can post on our message boards and join in our conferences.

It's FREE!!! Come visit us!

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