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Callahan's June 1997 Bar Rag!

In this issue:

Opening Toast - Shady's Birthday - Spider Robinson - Mother's Day - Victoria's Secret - The Regulars Joining Callahan's

Opening Toast

"Thank you! For who you are and what you did. Rest in Peace Jackie." An unsigned post-it note left with a single pink rose on Jackie Robinson's grave.

Shady's Birthday

Shady (SHADYJAY), the goddess of Callahan's celebrated her 30th birthday -- on May 1. It was a dandy party. Shady was last seen rolling around on a blanket with some Irish Whiskey and her birthday present. ;)

Kak's Obituary

Apparently a story circulated among some Callahan's patrons (and others) that Kak (ALKAK000), the sometimes bartender and Bar Rag editor, had died last month. Apparently from a heart attack. This is generally untrue. In fact he denies it almost completely. His Bride says she hasn't noticed a significant change, one way or the other. In any case, the scheduled celebration has been postponed until a more suitable time ...

The April Bar Rag reported that he had been spotted in Istanbul, training a fez'd monkey to sell Angel's unauthorized biography. *sigh* He doesn't vehemently deny this. The book is a bestseller but the royalties only amount to peanuts. The monkey has a poor concept of cash. A much better concept of snack food. Kak was on a great deal of morphine (which probably made him look dead), but he swears that the monkey exists. He calls him Toot. Don't ask. He also says he has a great picture of himself and his new jammies.

Spider Robinson

Rissa (RISSABRIANNE) commented that she didn't think we knew who Spider Robinson was. She also thought that he thought we didn't know who he was. Sheesh. For the record -- Spider wrote the Callahan's series of books, along with many others.

Callahan's at Delphi Internet is loosely based on his first three books (which are out of print but should be available in hardcover in time for my birthday this November). He has achieved many awards for his Science Fiction. He was born in the USA, hung around New York for a while. He was lured to Nova Scotia by a professional dancer named Jeanne who he married. They lived in Toronto for awhile.

They now live in Vancouver. He has become a Canadian citizen. They have a daughter called Terri. Spider writes articles for a Canadian Newspaper called the Globe and Mail. They appear every third Monday on the commentary page. You can read them on the 'web at You can also read all kinds of stuff about him on our Spider page.

There is a Callahan's computer game out too, and you can actually hear Spider talk. He has neither a pet elephant, monkey nor emu. Now, what else do you need to know about someone we know nothing about?

A discussion on Robinson resulted in the conclusion that he doesn't really write Science Fiction, per se. He is developing a philosophy of life. It is one that this Callahans is based on. It is one we very much like. It is one we hope our children will subscribe to, and their children after that!

Never Again

On May 4 Angel (TERRIBAILEY) led us in a remembrance of the Holocaust, with several kaddish prayers and a moment of silence. The topic also garnered fairly intensive discussion on the Message Board. Hassan X (LUDIKID) pointed out that "Never Again" cannot simply become a mantra but must be actively acted upon. It was a special evening. Thank you, Angel, for leading it.


SPAM, of course, is a premier ('though much maligned) canned meat product. I hope the fine folks who make SPAM will suffer it being maligned again. They are those tolerant people over at the Hormel Food Corporation, and they have a home page where you can buy SPAM boxer shorts! (

Whilst waiting upon Hassan to start the Weird Music Conference, Magpie (MAGPIE) started complaining about all the Spam he was getting. Well, that led to many cans of SPAM being opened ...
Tracy(DOVE) brought out the Callahan's SPAM slingshots ... one thing led to another. There was name calling. Foul things like "Do Do Face" and "Poopy Head."
Angel actually took a SPAM shot right in the forehead. ***pwack***

Fortunately Hassan(LUDICKID) arrived in the nick of time and sent the combatants to their corners ... but not before Margie (CRASILLY) and Bons (YARDKITTY) ... and others ... created the SPAM song (proving that we did not stray from the Weird Music Theme.) Sing this out loud ... to the Oscar Mayer Wiener tune.

"I wish I had a little tiny SPAM can,
That is what I'd really like to Ha-a-ve,
'Cause if I had a little tiny SPAM can,
I could chuck it all across the La-a-nd"

Say ... Do you think Magpie was referring to junk email?

Mother's Day

Mother's Day came and went, as they are apt to do. For one it was a day from hell. For another it was (reportedly) the most wonderful day she has had in a very long time. And no doubt the others fell in between. Apropos, perhaps, in that we all probably one day or another put those lovely ladies we call "Mom" through that kind of day. To Moms everywhere .. Thanks. *****SMASH*****

The Dilbert Principle

The Dilbert Principle was discussed at some length on the message board. Joce (JF) seemed to think that all bosses have pointy hair. Angel observed that since being cubiclized (it's a real word! Honest! Check!) herself she found the cartoons even funnier (in that they seemed so real.) Janice (DAWNSLITE) reported that she works for the company that Scott Adams has been asked to resign from. Can you imagine sitting in a meeting with him while he takes notes for his next cartoon. How about being his boss? Kak, holding the flag for management, wondered how a "boss" can tell if (s)he is making bone headed decisions. Wait a minute. Has a female "boss" ever made a bone-headed decision? Does she have pointy hair? Do the good ones sometimes sport the Michael Bolton look? Full story to follow .... after that investigative thing with Shady.

A Question of Happiness

The pursuit of happiness. A fine philosophy. But at what cost? Can we hurt others to achieve our own? And what is happiness, anyway? This thread was explored in some significant detail this month. We ranged from thoughts on hedonism, to several definitions of happiness, and to the question of how we might help our children understand and achieve happiness. No specific conclusion was arrived at ... but none was likely expected.

Victoria's Secret

We celebrated the Canadian Victoria Day long weekend with a traditional Victoria's Secret Party. Terry's gingham shortie, very cute! Janice in her sexy Teddie. :) Hassan in his Red, White and Blue Silk Boxers, how patriotic. (g) Bo's keeping everyone warm. And me, well, you had to be there. (eg) Hope we did Canada proud :)"

Memorial Day

We remembered Memorial Day with a campfire ... flames that leapt in joy ... flames that one could stare into and think ... flames that brought visions of peace and happiness .. and of war. As Tracy recalled the event ...

"We opened up the skylight and started a campfire. After the fire died down a bit, Tracy(DOVE) put a grill over it and Mitzi(MITZIPROCTOR) started flipping burgers like a real pro. Cherrie(WUMING) brought potato salad and deserts, Tracy brought clam dip and potato chips. Everyone seemed to have a good appetite. :) (The burgers we already had on hand in the freezer. Free beer (likely bought with Kak's Gold Card) flowed all around. The talk didn't really center around any real Memorial Day issues, but that was okay. :)

Lots of people showed up. Cherrie, JAPERS, Angel, Hassan, Terry, JIMBEAUX, Tracy. A special honorable mention of Mitzi's bbq'ing skills. She did a splendid job."

Memorial Day Toast

"To all of those who died in the service of our country, we raise our glasses, and our flags."

Tracy(DOVE) on Memorial Day *******SMASH*******

Stranger and Stranger

The greatest science fiction book ever written, "Stranger in a Strange Land" by Robert Heinlein, recently received mixed reviews at Callahan's. Pan (PLISH) actually said she didn't like it! And then she wisely ran for cover. So did Joce! And then Shady agreed! And Oky (OKYOKY)! Angel said she liked the part about the way Valentine Michael Smith kissed. This is a shocking development. No! Not the way he kissed, but dissing the book! Unbelievable! It must be something in the water! Grok?

Callahan's People

Bo(CBRENONS) celebrated his birthday on May 10.

Doc(METCALFR) had a unique experience this month. He went to a high school prom! As the guest of a teacher. ;) We all know that Doc is our resident science expert. He is also a university prof. By all accounts that made him one of the hits of the prom -- someone the kids could look up to. Doc also celebrated his birthday on May 21.

On May 10 we welcomed Bruce(BGS) to the fold, with a full blown newbie roast! Welcome Bruce. Come often and stay long! Hey! He's got to fit in. He drinks Guiness. We also welcomed Akachan(SHOHUS). Welcome!

Dennis(GRIBBIN) and Deb(BATMOM) are back! Dennis seems ready and fit to hit the links with his new hips. Deb says he is about an inch taller now. Mitzi wondered if anything else had grown an inch, but we'll leave that one right there shall we? And their son Justin just got the BUG award! Way to go!

Brat(BRATCHILD) did something to his hair that I just can't describe! Streaks, even. Oh. And he aged by a year on May 25. Happy Birthday Peter!

Of course, Tracy(DOVE) went off to visit Casper ... umm ... Terry(DOVE8) for a few days. Now, can you imagine the mayhem if those two get together? Tracy couldn't bring her axe, but it was probably quite the party. I mean, the bed got broken. And the blinds torn down. Six guys on the bed with Tracy. And Terry said she only drank milk and was chaste the whole time. There is a video ... so their secret is safe. ;)

The Regulars

Hassan's Quote of the Day Service continued unabated, and as insightful and enjoyable as ever. We also received an insight into where and what drives Hassan to provide us with this service. Thanks!

Hassan has also continued his "Weird Music Lyric" nights. Every second Wednesday, after about 10 Eastern. Please join us. It really is a fun experience.

Peter (PHDESMOND) has also continued his popular "Poetry Nights" -- every second Thursday, after 10 Eastern. Please join us. You don't have to be a poet, but you are welcome to bring along any poetry you might wish to share.

Closing Quote

"A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives."
- Jackie Robinson

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