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Callahan's May 1997 Bar Rag!

In this issue:

Introduction - Message Board News - Conference News - Quote of the Month - Editorial on Spam Joining Callahan's


"It's May, it's May, the lusty month of May ..." Rodgers and Hammerstein, Camelot. I once again find myself in the role of cub reporter for Callahan's Bar Rag. Our editor, and sometimes bartender, who was previously found living in a country with an extradition treaty with the United States, and who was returned to these premises (along with some of our silver) is once again AWOL.

He was spotted walking along a crowded marketplace in Istanbul, with a fez'd monkey riding on his shoulder .... I suspect he was peddling my unauthorized biography once again (sigh.) The authorities are impotent in this case. And they can't do anything about it, either !

Message Board News

Our message board was its usual rowdy self, with many discussions about capitalism, baseball trivia, anarchy, and being virtually challenged. We also had a smattering of humor from a couple of our patrons, OKYOKY and METCALFR. Check out the Web link for the Attack of the Killer Tomatoes movie series, and listen to the famous Killer Tomato March. Really ! I wouldn't make that up .... If you have been lurking in the shadows, this would be a good time to join our message board discussions. You look sort of silly out there in that trench coat -- share your thoughts.

Conference News

On April 15 we celebrated Jackie Robinson's 50th Anniversary with a baseball party; baseball trivia abounded, and the guests included such famous baseball legends as Willie Mays, Babe Ruth, the Big Hurt, Chico Escuela, and Camilo Pascual. You don't know who Camilo was ?? Well, you should have been there.

The Babe also posted the famous poem "Casey at the Bat" in our message board the next day -- check it out. The chat log for this evening is in our database.

Hassan, LUDICKID, hosted several Obscure Music conferences that were well attended. Please join our very knowledgeable moderator/bartender and resident curmudgeon for a night of fun discussing Indy bands, music, and extremely depressing lyrics -- Wednesdays at 9:30 pm Eastern.

Peter, PHDESMOND, our bartender and Poetry Night moderator, was conspicuously absent this month, due to his extensive involvement in the Tax Forum and in tax preparation. Please welcome Peter back for Poetry Night every other Thursday, 9:30 pm Eastern. The next conference is May 8 -- bring your own poetry or listen to our favorites.

Please make sure to let us know if you are a Bixen (BIX member), or are entering Chat through the Web and need some special commands training; we have the friendliest bartenders in town, who will be happy to guide you through the sometimes confusing world of Chat. And always remember Tuesday nights are Punday Nights, hosted by IVANAC, Ivy, punster extraordinnaire.

Quote of the Month

"The month of May was come, when every lusty heart beginneth to blossom, and to bring forth fruit; for like as herbs and trees bring forth fruit and flourish in May, in likewise every lusty heart that is in any manner a lover, springeth and flourisheth in lusty deeds. For it giveth unto all lovers courage, that lusty month of May."

Sir Thomas Malory. Here's to the lusty month of May ! *******smash*******

And happy birthday to Shady, SHADYJAY, our Message Board Manager, and resident Lust Goddess.

Terri Bailey, Callahan's Saloon

On Spam

I don't know about you, but my mailbox seems to contain more and more spams these days ... While the staff at Delphi is diligent in their efforts to reduce spam traffic, it is still a monumental task to filter it all from reaching your mailbox. Some hints on handling Spam:

1. Do not reply to have your name removed, regardless of how offensive the spam is. Active user lists are created from these replies, and you can really become a Spam target then.

2. If you use Eudora for handling your mail, there is a spam filter that you can activate that screens out much of the Spam you might have otherwise received. Post in our message board for specific instructions on this.

3. Remember that distribution of spam ties up servers for hours on end and keeps legitimate messages from reaching you; don't divulge Delphi membership lists to anyone.

4. Advise SERVICE of any repeat offender ISP's that keep hitting you with spam. There are avenues available to them to restrict or disallow their abuse of Delphi servers.

For those of you who don't remember -- the word spam being applied to junk electronic mail was originated from the Monty Python skit of the same name. It is growing to be as much of a problem as junk mail has been to the Post Office. In the years to come you will hopefully see repeat offenders being fined and restricted for their abuse of our electronic homes.

Joining Callahan's

Joining Delphi is easy and FREE. The easiest way is to visit our web page. Just click on the "Forum" or "Chat" link and you'll automatically be sent to the registration area... Then you can post on our message boards and join in our conferences.

It's FREE!!! Come visit us!

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