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Callahan's Bar Rag November 1996 Edition !

A Toast

Here's to Callahan's. We reached across the miles and created a family (not even dysfunctional) and made distance an insignificant word.

Trace (DOVE) -- October 3, 1996 ******SMASH*****

Major Changes at Callahan's

Cat (CATMOORE) has retired from her position as General Manager of Callahan's. Thank you Cat for all the time and effort you have put into this place to make it what it is! A simple ***********SMASH*********** just doesn't say enough! But not to fear! The Cat is still here as our Database Manager.

Angel (TERRIBAILEY) has assumed the mantle, effective October 1, 1996. Congratulations! And all the success in leading this merry rag-tag band through an exciting growth period as Delphi increases its 'net presence.

Thanks too for all of your work as Conference Manager! *****SMASH*****

A Letter From Angel

"I can't tell you all how excited I am about all the changes going on with Delphi. Many of the things we dreaded, like many "chicken little" stories, have not come to pass. Delphi's new motto is "Bring Your Passion to Delphi." I think that just about says it all. They want to become an active and dynamic participant in the Internet community, as well as the Number 1 service provider.

In September Shady, Lou, Peter, Terry, Kak and I were busy reviewing, revising and panicking (I did a lot of the latter) for Callahan's future presence within Delphi. Delphi's new Web page was revealed. Callahan's has been included under the Relationships and Support category, with Sue Mark as Liaison. Sue heads the Medical Support Forum. I submitted an eight point proposal about how I saw Callahan's within the new structure. This proposal amounted pretty much to a business plan for our future.

Shady and Lou got the forum and database ready for the new Web link from Delphi, and Peter has been patiently waiting for all the bartenders' bios. :) OK, not that patiently ... I've heard a few threats. Terry Myers did some very beautiful artwork for our Web page that I hope all of you have gotten to see, it is really amazing, and with her permission will become everyone's entry point into our area.

The new Web link is just that, a link into our forum from the outside world. Members will be able to post to our forum, join our discussions, and browse through our database. We hope to maintain our home-away-from-home atmosphere and at the same time expose ourselves to a greater Web audience.

With the new pricing plans in effect October 1st, I just can't imagine why someone would not join Delphi Internet!

As with all change there will be a few pains and screw-ups. I hope you all feel comfortable enough with all of us to communicate any problems, suggestions, and ideas about improving our community. I will communicate the changes as they become available.

Thank you for being part of the most "passionate" part of Delphi -- Callahan's."

Terri Bailey; Manager, Callahan's Saloon
"Where Shared Joy is Increased, Shared Pain is Diminished"
O:) Angel

Callahan's People

Mary Callahan -- Mary was the only (known) child of Mike Callahan and Lady Sally. She was born in the future in Harmony and currently lives there with her cyborg husband, Mickey Finn. When she reached adulthood she began to work for her mother and despite what some would claim was a weight problem she soon established a reputation as one of the most professional and popular artists at Lady Sally's House. After a few years she became her mother's chief of security and literally transferred to working behind the scenes. She was a cheerful woman with a tremendous capacity for fun, and no tolerance for evasions or self delusions. She was also an accomplished blacksmith. Mary had a very brief affair with Jake Stonebender before she met Mickey Finn.

Shady (SHADYJAY) -- No one embodies the spirit of Callahan's better than Shady; her cheerful smile, her witty repartee, and her giant compassion for everyone who walks through the oaken door can't be surpassed. Of a wonderfully melodious voice, Shady can frequently be seen rooting around in the used parts lot just north of home. When she finds something useful, she has it surgically implanted. She hustles her bustle, she performs two-wheelies, and can be seen most nights sipping multiple Amores or Root Beer floats with two straws. Join her!

Jake Stonebender -- Jake is the narrator of many of the Callahan's stories. Tall, lanky, and of long hair and beard, he came to Callahan's after he attempted to repair the brakes on his car. Unfortunately, the next day the brakes failed, leaving him only memories of his wife and daughter (much later Mary proved that it was not his repair that caused the failure.) On the verge of suicide, he found Callahan's, and stayed. Jake would often play his guitar (Lady MacBeth) and sing during Fillmore Jam. Callahan's Place is gone, of course (Jake actually blew it up with a small nuke but that's another story.) He now runs a bar called Mary's Place and is married to Zoey, a bass guitarist and contralto.

Kak (ALKAK000) -- Kak can be often seen hiding in the musky corners and rafters of the saloon. A self-proclaimed Spider look-alike, Kak exhibits a wicked sense of humor, and is very content to have his numerous martinis (he sneaks behind the bar to make them -- after unfolding a crystal glass from his wallet) enchantedly turned into sparkling water. You just have to be there ... A legend in his own mind and ours, Kak is an excellent writer, and edits the monthly Bar Rag, the voice of Callahan's.

Callahan's Legacy

The next book in the series has been published by TOR books, this month! "Callahan's Legacy." This is classic Spider Robinson fare! The book begins with Zoey and Jake reaching a great climax (is there any other kind ?) ... and she is 9.5 months pregnant ... figure the mechanics out there. Anyway, Jake gets up to go to the bathroom and knocks himself out twice. Then Zoey pees into a beer stein which she hands to Jake, who, stark naked, answers a knock at the door. Doesn't he up and throw the contents of the said stein on the person at the door? Doesn't he fall flat on his butt again? Doesn't Zoey just about kill herself laughing? Doesn't she pee in a stein again? And the puns..... Classic Robinson! At a bookstore near you.

Forum Notes

In post 15803 Angel (TERRIBAILEY) posed an interesting query. Do drunks (or those otherwise inebriated) get the respect they deserve in society? Specifically, when she dropped in for her Michael Bolton look in August, the admitting physician assumed that because she was incoherent she was either drunk or into some bad drugs. No tests were administered to determine whether in fact this was the case. Ultimately, this perception led to a four hour delay in beginning proper treatment. Could you imagine the delay if in fact she had smelled of booze ... even of a glass or two of wine with dinner? Why is it that more drunks die in police custody than anyone else? Doc (METCALFR) added to the thread with his story about him having Meniere's disease -- which incapacitates him to the point where he falls down until it passes. Despite a Medic Alert bracelet, people step over him, likely assuming he is somehow inebriated.

A very passionate debate has taken place in our forum on the question of gun control, initially as it applied to convicted felons being able to obtain guns. It grew to the experiences of many, including discussion of the American Constitution and Declaration of Independence. Does the possession of guns by private citizens make the world a safer place? Does it only add to the violence? Why do some countries with a high level of gun ownership exhibit peaceful traits, while others extreme violence? Does making a legal gun really reduce violence?

Robert H. Heinlein opined that "an armed society is a polite society". It was his theory that you do not call people names or tread on their feet if they can shoot you for it. But what if they want something from you and you are not armed? Or not as good (or fast) a shot? We have had a wider array of participants in this discussion than in any other in recent memory. Peter (BRATCHILD) contributed a very thoughtful essay on the topic. Roxy (ROXANNEII) poignantly closed the discussion with her post about an attempted domestic murder / suicide. There were many diverse and thought provoking posts about this and the debate continues.

Lou (ROSE8364) started a thread on multicultural issues ... the role that immigrants play in our society. And how we see one another. Here was another extensively explored topic. It touched on the domestic issues ... wandered into south Florida where there is a preponderance of Cuban immigrants ... blew north to Canada to touch the French / English issue there (and the Hong Kong "issue" in British Columbia), and settled back to a question of how long it might take to assimilate into a society. Five generations was set out as a likely maximum period.

Conference Highlights

On October 20th a couple of dozen of Shady's (SHADYJAY) friends met at Callahan's to roast and celebrate her. Set up by Tracy (DOVE), it was evidence that Shady does indeed embody the spirit of Callahan's. Along with many toasts in her honor, she was awarded a trophy, 5 dozen pink roses, and a giant 5 gallon bowl of clam dip. The fountains of Amores and Dom Perignon were second to none!

The Callahan's Menstrual Singers made their second appearance -- Tracy (DOVE), Terry (DOVE8), Angel (TERRIBAILEY) and Cherrie (WUMING) -- with their usual whining. And resplendent as usual, with chocolate and Midol. Angel was wearing her sequined Jessica Rabbit dress though some thought it was closer to body paint than a dress. Of course, at one point in the evening, it tore. Something about 10 pounds of mud in a five pound sack.

This month we welcomed Mitzi (MITZIPROCTOR) to our fold. As is usual, Doc (METCALFR) composed the limerick.

"Dear Mitzi the newbie,
we soon will be friends,
we'll travel through Callies,
and stay till the ends,
I'm sure we'll be friendly,
of this I am sure,
whenever you venture,
I'll hold open the door"

*********SMASH Mitzi********* Come often and stay long!

Callahan's held its traditional Masqued Halloween party again. Simple concept. Come in disguise and don't use the /rn command! Try to figure out who is who. Ultimately all the participants unmask. It's a riot ! You have to be there ! We had about 22 people drop in over the course of the evening... which ran for about two and a half hours. If you missed it this year, mark your book for the next one!

On October 25 we remembered Viv. This is her history according to Angel. "We are gathered here to toast and remember our dearly departed Vivain... She was fond of doing so many things ... hard to remember them all. Breaking beds, singing while eating Cheetos (Trace noted that they were fritos but who is keeping score). Canoeing down polluted rivers. And pretending her dogs were members of Monty Python's Flying Circus.

She was tall. She was a real blonde and didn't take blonde jokes well at all. She said dewg instead of dog. Which may have been due to a cleft palate or having been born in New York. So let's toast to our friend and remember her the way she was ... wickedly funny, strangely tall, and a real fun bed partner. Smash!" Of course ... Viv came back the very next day. Come on in and meet her !

Medical Watch

Not to be outdone in the medical contest ... Dennis (GRIBBIN) headed into the hospital on October 25 for some rebuilding of some bit or another. His wife, Debby, reports that the surgery was a success. Only one hour and eight minutes. In fact he was up and walking in only a few days, and is already home! In fact he danced at the Halloween party. Dennis! Take care and heal quickly !

Obviously Shady had the greatest influence on him -- what with her used parts and bustle. She is recovering quite nicely, thank you, with a few adjustments here and there, now and again. Angel is still trying to grow her hair back -- but otherwise is coming around nicely. Kak .. is still Kak.

Risky Business Catering

Let Callahan's new Cyber catering cater all your holiday party needs. Our experienced staff of bartenders will attend your conference party, providing all the beverages and food to your guests. We have bartenders with many talents, from MUD's to music trivia, puns and cooking skills. Check with your forum manager, and have them post a message in our forum under the subject Cyber catering Request. We will do the rest! Indicate time (Eastern), date, size of party, forum topic, formal or informal, and directions. And if anyone has any food allergies. :) When our truck arrives we will honk 3 times. We have already catered a number of parties!

Future Events

Callahan's Poetry Night November 7th, 9:30 PM EST.
Poetry Night is hosted by Peter (PHDESMOND) every two weeks.
Share your own or your favorite poetry. Or... Listen and comment in this popular conference ! See you there !

Join us for a very special conference on November 14th, 9:30 EST.
"When Men and Women Talk: What We Say and What We Really Mean."
Hosted by Mitzi (MITZIPROCTOR), a licensed social worker, and staff member in "Singles" SIG, where she gives informed and helpful advice.
Can We Talk..?

Closing Thought

"As sexual tensions mount, breathing becomes more intense. Rapid breathing can lead to dizziness, confusion, numbness and tingling of the extremities. To slow it down breathe into a paper bag."
Barbara Negelow in her syndicated column "Sex Matters."

Joining Callahan's

Joining Delphi is easy and FREE. The easiest way is to visit our web page. Just click on the "Forum" or "Chat" link and you'll automatically be sent to the registration area... Then you can post on our message boards and join in our conferences.

It's FREE!!! Come visit us!

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