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Callahan's August 1996 Bar Rag!

Opening Toast

"To Friends, Family and Callahan's ... They all mean the same thing."
Trace (DOVE) - July 15, 1996 *****SMASH*****

Callahan's People

Maureen -- From inauspicious beginnings Maureen joined Lady Sally and became one of the most versatile and best loved artists in the place. She was quite capable of making up simply horrible puns, but in her favor she was prepared to defend those she cared about to her own death, and without a word of criticism.

Perhaps her most marked characteristic was her eyes. Deep and dark, you couldn't get anything by her. She ultimately married the Professor (whom she first met when she was 14. He would employ her on his con jobs. She was a bit of a con artist herself,) and to the last report they are both still highly desired artists at Lady Sally's. Research suggests that she did in fact make it to Callahan's Place once or twice. At least that's what she told me last time we met, after that little episode in the Bower. ;)

Tracy (DOVE) -- Trace works for Callahan's and is one of the most beloved bartenders there. An accomplished musician, songstress and poet, lucky are those with whom she shares her abilities. But its her eyes that will get to you. She appears to see with a sixth sense... She's got deep dark eyes that appear to be an almost smoky color, until you manage to catch them and see that they're blue. She has the look of a woodland creature about her -- guarded, but curious at the same time. She has a habit of wrinkling her forehead when she listens to you talk and can raise her eyebrows in rapid succession to point to a joke that would be better left unsaid when you put your foot in your mouth. She'll watch you with her dark, perceptive eyes... but she's more than willing to play a joke on you, or perform some antic that will leave you laughing. That's Trace.

Ralph von Wau Wau -- Ralph is a talking dog. A German Shepherd no less. He was actually the product of a strange genetic experiment --- trying to cause dogs to be able to vocalize. Turns out he was also smart. But just simply horrible with puns. He used to hang out at Lady Sally's, but was last seen at Mary's Place (where he managed to hurl a glass into the fireplace.) He played a significant role in saving the world from nuclear destruction.

Donations Needed

Sue (SUEMARK) is seeking donations of medical equipment, computers and various other equipment for her not-for-profit company MEDSUPPORT FSF INTERNATIONAL. See forum post 15105, or Email her for more info (, or visit If you can help, please do.

Exercising Your Mind

In the interest of keeping all Callahanians mentally fit -- well, to the extent that is possible -- mental fitness experts recommend ingesting Irish Coffee (no wonder Viv is so smart.) The reason Irish Coffee is the perfect beverage is that the stimulant and the depressant play tug of war with your consciousness, thereby stretching and exercising it. Isometric intoxication... kind of like cocaine-heroin speedballs but less lethal. You end up an alert drunk!

Forum Notes

May it never be said that we Callahanians do not have many interesting ideas to share and to debate, generally without rancor, usually with respect.

The "Animals Rights March on Washington" thread, started by Doc (METCALFR), blossomed in July, after a modest beginning in June. Not only were the controversies of using animals for cosmetic testing explored in some detail, but the thread began to question whether we, Homo Sapiens, were herbivores, carnivores, or some type of hybrid. It also questioned our evolutionary changes, our ability to digest vegetable matter, and even hypothesized that for various good reasons rabbits made an ideal food source. Something about them multiplying like ...well ... rabbits.

In "Postcard From Poland 2" Ari (ARISTPHONES) relayed some of the personal and professional hardships he is running into in his contribution to build an emerging and thriving economy in that country (although he did confess to a rather pleasant distraction ;) as well.) Ari, our hearts and wishes are with you! Not all that sure that all of us could undertake a project like that and still be smiling. Well, maybe... with that distraction. :)

Coffee. To some, a nasty wicked brew. To others, a wonderful elixir to jump start the morning. And a suicide preventer in women? How did this spin off of the "Animal Rights..." thread? Check post 15002 and Joey (JOSEPHFRY). Thanks to Ivana (IVANAC) this same thread now includes chocolate and container grown tomatoes. But not chocolate tomatoes. We will never be successfully convicted of sticking to one topic.

Pilgrim (PILGRIMBOB) is back in the fold. Welcome back! He has relayed to us some real adventures in computerland. The things that can happen when you upgrade these machines!

And then there is "A Question of Romance." Post 15181 by Joey. Now did that ever strike a few chords .. current and past. With probably the greatest number of responses to a post in a long while. It's a topic we all seem to have some feelings about. The dilemmas of love.

Of Limericks And Aphids

Ivana (IVANAC) had insects on her plants,
Creepy things -- maybe aphids, perhaps ants.
She sought help from friends, landlocked or on coasts,
Hell! I can't write these things ---- so here's the posts.
This doesn't rhyme. Not a chance.

(Editor's note: No credit is given for this stuff. I just publish it, and that's tough enough.)

Post 15149
RE: Fluffy bunnies (Here they are again)
(sing this to "My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean")
Ivana looked out at her roses
The number of aphids to see
She had her little Doc to assist her
Those aphids will no longer be!

Spray your roses with a VERY DILUTE solution of dishwashing detergent. The aphids will go scrambling for more pleasant locations. Doc (METCALFR)

Reply Post 15159
Try dish soap! Said Doctor Metcalf,
Those aphids just hate taking baths..
"Why not ?" opined I,
So I gave it a try,
Our dear Doc's too clever by half!

(It worked well, only 2 aphids today) Ivana

Conference Highlights

On July 19 there was considerable discussion in conference whether real relationships can develop on line. Kathy (KATHYC) and Magpie (THEMAGPIE) were central to the thread ... slightly :) differing in their views. Of course, there is the prime example of Cherrie and Mitch. But there are other not so favorable experiences too. Join us! Talk to us! The conversations are enlightening and sincere. Your views are very welcome, indeed.

On July 11 a conference was held to discuss whether "Strip Clubs" were sexist ... whether there were victims (and if so, whether they were the patrons or the performers) ... and did they serve any useful purpose at all. The discussion was lively -- and without consensus. It also covered a far broader range of topics dealing with nudity, eroticism, strippers (male and female), and whether there were any real connections between the three (the apparently obvious superficial one excluded). Conferences are a unique Callahan's feature and should not be missed. Check the banner page for upcoming topics and come on in!

There was, of course, that evening that Kak unfolded the crystal martini glass from his wallet. He and Bratchild (PETGROENING) proceeded to entertain the crowd with a trick. Brat caused the glass to fill. Kak caused the glass to empty. For some time. This caused Pan(PLISH) to exclaim;

"Starkle starkle, little twink
What the hell you are I think
I'm not under what you call
The affluence of inchohol
I have had tee many martoonies
And I am fooling just a little bit feelish"


Laura has given birth to Michael, a bouncing baby boy. He was born on July 3, 1996 at 1:59 p.m. He weighed 7 lbs. 9.5 oz and was 18.5 inches long, but is probably a lot bigger and heavier by now. He has brown hair and blue eyes. ******SMASH***** Laura!

Closing Credit

"No animals or aliens were harmed in the making of this motion picture." The last credit at the end of "Independence Day." Seriously --- go see the movie again and this time read the credits! The producers won't mind.

The Third Gathering

A third gathering is happening from August 23 to 26 in Toronto, ON. It will include a picnic on the Toronto Islands (a short ferry ride from Toronto), a tour of the CN Tower -- the world's tallest freestanding structure, and a day trip to Niagara Falls. Congregating at the Toronto Airport Travelodge Hotel (1-800-578-7878). Room rate should be about $US40 / single. Please make plans to attend. More information is available by e-mailing Kak (ALKAK000).

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