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Callahan's October 1995 Bar Rag!

"Shared Joy is Increased, Shared Pain is Lessened"
- Mike Callahan, proprietor of Spider Robinson's fictional Crosstime Saloon.
(And we have made it real!)


Welcome, patrons, to Callahan's Bar Rag...the monthly chronicle of news and events at Callahan's Virtual Irish Pub. The October Bar Rag features updates on the Database and the Internet Gateway, current Polls, Conference schedules and summaries of our Forum discussions. We're glad to have you join us !

Shall we begin with a toast ?

"Here is to seasons, to changes in time... to gathering the bounty of friendships sublime." - SMASH!!!

***The Callahan's Clan Gathering***

The first official Callahan's Clan Gathering in Alexandria, VA, drew patrons from all over the US and Canada. Most of us were meeting in "actual reality" for the very first time!

Activities included ice skating, sightseeing, shopping, lunch, dinner, a tour of Netscape...and some rousing toasts at an authentic Irish Pub! Several attendees have composed diaries of the event, which will be posted to the Callahan's website, accessible through our Internet Navigator. This Clan Gathering has spawned plans for similar events throughout the year in different regions of the country. Watch the Announcements and the Forum for details !


We wish all the best to Cat (CATMOORE), our General Manager, as she celebrated her birthday on September 13th. Many Happy Returns, Cat!

Congratulations also to Linda (LJDCLARKE) and her husband, David, as they marked their third wedding anniversary on September 12th. (That *does* call for a toast, right?!)

Tender Of The Month!!

Kudos to Al (KINETIC), the 'Tender of the Month for October! Al is a fixture here at Callahan's, dispensing his special brand of cheer, both for the palate and for the soul. (I'm particularly fond of Al's sidekick, Goober... the Ovaltine-obsessed creature from worlds unknown.) Thanks, Al! We love ya!

Conference Highlights

The Conference schedule in September featured relationships and considered the question, "What Do Women/Men Really Want?". We also paid tribute to Labor Day, to Grandparents' Day, and focused on computer technology during "Cybergeek Week."

Coming up in October, MOONLIGHT1 will be guest hosting a discussion of Chumash Indian Legends. Also, look for a Halloween Party, another "Naturist Lifestyle" conference, hosted by Bill (WPACER), and further discussion of "Cyberlove Relationships."

In the meantime, don't forget Punday Night every Tuesday, Fillmore Jam on Fridays, and Modem Fever every Saturday night. Watch the banners and the Announcement Section for scheduled Riddles Nights, Poetry Nights and other activities.

Forum Notes

September's Forum featured some cherished stories and fond memories of grandparents, and an extended discussion of what men and women really look for in relationships. As personal experiences were shared, in this thread and others, the true spirit of Callahan's was displayed, with sympathy and compassion offered freely.

Markie (MARKIEDE) and Lou (ROSE8364) provided some guidance on the new Windows 95 operating system, and responded to questions about the new Delphi service to be launched this fall.

Melody (JKLINGLER) solved Lou's riddle, at long last! <G> The answers are:

1. "Apple" William + X-Y Plot (TELEGRAPH)
2. Inform + Type of rubber (TELEPHONE)
3. "He" in Liverpool + Knight's material (EMAIL)
4. Dark poet + Leg joint + Former + Push (PONY EXPRESS)
5. Not less + Snake sound + "I hab a bad______." (MORSE CODE)
6. Callahan's Dude + Spell DO (RADIO)
7. Center + Elevate + Small lake + Prom (CORRESPONDENCE)
8. Transgression + Mother + Golf call (SEMAPHORE)
9. Light up + Delphi group + Finger feature (SMOKE SIGNALS)
10. Friend + Superboy's girlfriend + Splitting tool (BODY LANGUAGE)

Congratulations Melody! (who thanked Peter (PETGROENING) for his help in solving number 9.)

Several patrons presented lists nominating "The Best Rock and Roll Collections", but it seems the jury is still out on that one! Two very interesting discussions arose regarding what exactly defines an "adult", and why people generally avoid getting caught in the rain.

Ray (RAYMUNSTER) has revived the collaborative story theme, so look for a recap of the story as it evolves, in next month's Bar Rag!

A Toast: "Here is to giving, and here is to solving our problems through compromise making!" SMASH!!!

Poll Results

Several patrons have added surveys to the Poll area. Doc (METCALFR) has posed two questions regarding education, and WESTWEB has posted one poll about music preferences and one about Email censorship. BROWNRE is surveying the popularity of the Star Trek series.

To access the Poll area, type POLL at the main menu. Choose BROWSE to select a poll and read the responses (which are anonymous.) You will then have an opportunity to both vote and comment.

What's New In The Database

Four GIFS have been added to the Callahan's Database, and Markie (MARKIEDE) has added three utility files, including a Windows 95 Utilities program, the Polyview Graphics Viewer, and a 32 bit version of the L-View Graphics Editor. Bart (BARTREM) has uploaded LIST91C.ZIP.

Internet Navigator

Lou (ROSE8364) is continuing to solicit Websites or Usenet Discussion Newsgroups to be added to our Internet Navigator. We will be adding an Email directory page to the Callahan's website, so that Internet visitors may communicate with our patrons. If you would like to be included in the Email Directory, please Email your Username and a one-sentence description or quote to KATHYC.

Home pages for Callahanians, available via the Web: (Callahan's) (HARRISER) (ROSE8364) (SEANMIKE) (KATHYC)

(The WWW edition of Callahan's Bar Rag will be posted soon at!

Tips On Netiquette

The heart and soul of Callahan's is contained in our motto: "Shared joy is increased, shared pain is diminished." When you encounter a troubled soul online, the most effective thing you can do is to listen to them. Often, in "actual reality", there are few people we can turn to with our problems.

The relative anonymity of the virtual world makes it possible for us to open up in ways which may be next to impossible otherwise. The magic of Callahan's is that no one ever needs to feel spurned or rejected for the difficulties they are experiencing.

We take pride in the open-heart policies of Callahan's, and welcome heartily the faces of both joy and sorrow.

"Most joints, the barkeep listens to your troubles....but we happen to love this one so much that we all share his load."
- Jake Stonebender
From "Off the Wall at Callahan's," by Spider Robinson.

Who's Who

NGREENE (Nick) Owner of Callahan's
CATMOORE (Cat) General Manager of Callahan's
TERRIBAILEY (Angel) Conference Manager of Callahan's
MARKIEDE (Markie) Database Manager, Callahan's
SHADYJAY (Shady) Forum Manager, Callahan's
ROSE8364 (Lou) Internet Navigator Manager
LEOMUNDE (Leo) Internet Liaison
KATHYC (Kathy) Bar Rag Editor

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