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Callahan's August 1995 Bar Rag!

"Shared Joy is Increased, Shared Pain is Lessened"
- Mike Callahan, proprietor of Spider Robinson's fictional Crosstime Saloon.
(And we have made it real!)


Welcome to Callahan's Bar Rag... the monthly chronicle of news and events here at Callahan's Forum. This is the August 1995 edition, highlighting updates on additions to the Database, current Polls, Conference schedules and summaries of Forum discussions. Sit back and ENJOY!!

Let's start with toast:

"Here is to drama and comic relief... to artists who mirror our joy and our grief!" SMASH!!

*** It's Here !! ***

*** THE CALLAHAN'S CLAN GATHERING *** The first official Callahan's Clan Gathering will be held in Alexandria, Virginia, on September 22-23, 1995. Festivities will include a reception Friday night, a tour of Washington, DC, on Saturday and a dinner dance on Saturday night. There will also be a brief slide presentation and Q&A session discussing the Internet and WWW navigation (using Netscape) from 4:00-5:00 PM on Saturday. (Please notify KATHYC by Email if you plan to attend.) See the Announcements Section of Callahan's Forum for location and cost details for the Clan Gathering. See you there!!


Callahan's Virtual Irish Pub celebrated its second anniversary in July with two parties (seems appropriate!) <g> We all look forward to the year ahead, chock full of changes, yet staying the same.


Our "Tender of the Month" for August is Peter (BRATCHILD). Congratulations, Peter! The honor is well deserved - Peter has been hosting Teen Conferences for nearly a year, as well as tending regular conferences like a pro. Thanks Peter! :)

Lou (ROSE8364) has become a permanent Staff member and will continue to manage Callahan's Internet Gateway. Welcome aboard, Lou, and keep up the good work !

Conference Highlights

Reunions were the order of the day in Callahan's during July, as we welcomed many old friends from the early days of the Saloon.

Conference topics ranged from gender relations to protecting our rights to freedom of expression. Serious discussions focused on bisexuality and Internet censorship.

The August schedule focuses on Shakespearean plays the week of August 6, with a masquerade ball on Saturday August 12. The ball's theme is "A Midsummer's Night Dream". The week of August 13 will feature Cyber-Couples, August 20 will begin Controversial Issues Week, and we'll wind up the month with preparations for Labor Day and Back-To-School discussions.

Watch the banners and the Announcement Section for scheduled Poetry Nights, Riddles Nights, and other activities.

Forum Notes

The forum rocked in July, with lots of terrific poetry, some great storytelling, and even a slew of "Speed Demons"! <g> After Angel (TERRIBAILEY) announced her acquisition of a breakneck speed 28.8K modem, the race was on, as she was challenged by Markie (MARKIEDE) and Tracy (DOVE). In the course of the melee, "Gone With The Wind" got uploaded (or downloaded, I'm not sure - you had to have a program!), dust flew, engines roared. The last this reporter heard, it was Angel in the Winner's Circle !

On the sidelines, a very informative discussion detailed the intricacies of proper settings to accommodate higher modem speeds and the implementation of Delphi's Netscape Navigator.

A lively Battle-of-the-Sexes discussion looked at the role of women in the work place, particularly as it impacts the role of motherhood.

Lou (ROSE8364) introduced another excellent Riddle to confound the patrons of Callahan's. The answers to the Riddle are:

1. Car + Rescue = Autosave
2. Egglayer + Minor Car Damage = In(hen)dent
3. Orion, the ____ + Connected Points = Under(hunter)line
4. Penny + Mistake = Center(err)
5. Tried to knock down pins = Bold (Bowled)
6. Stephie + Repair = Graphics(fix)
7. Witch's Chant + Ledger Mark = Spellcheck
8. In This Way + Fly + You and Me = Thesaurus
9. 1st Christmas Gift + Yen = Merge (myrrh + urge)
10. Beanie Did It After Ray met Angel + Stole = Wordwrap

The theme for this puzzle was "Word Processing" - solved by Jimbeaux (JIM047.) Congratulations, Jim!

Don't miss live-action riddles in the Saloon Conference. Watch for Riddles Nights in August !

Poll Results

Poll responses in July were rather light. The most votes were generated by JMELLIOTT's question, "What's your favorite kind(s) of music?" Of 32 responses, 13 (40%) voted for "rock/alternative" music.

The most comments were received on the "Racist Against White" poll, also posted by JMELLIOTT. With only 18 votes during July, more than half were explained or expanded upon. Although 44% of voters agreed that there is some level of racism against whites, most of the comments condemned racism as one of society's ills.

To access the Poll area, type POLL at the main menu. Choose BROWSE to select a poll and read the responses (which are anonymous.) You will then have an opportunity to both vote and comment.

What's New In The Database

The Callahan's Poetry files have been added to the Database under the heading of "Life Enhancement". There are four quarterly files, and one convenient zip file to obtain all four on one download. A number of GIF's have been added, and Angel has uploaded several MIDI files in the "Fillmore Jam" section. Bart (BARTREM) has added a list of Michigan BBS's under "Utilities", and Chris (LARDARON) has uploaded a poem, "A Midsummer Knight's Dream" to the "General Discussion" area.

Gateway To The Internet

Lou (ROSE8364) has announced that the Usenet Discussion Newsgroups are now listed under the appropriate subject categories on the Internet Gateway.

Home pages for Callahanians, available via the Web: (Callahan's) (HARRISER) (ROSE8364) (SEANMIKE)

Tips On Netiquette

The online community (both Delphi and the Internet) observes certain universal standards of behavior that new users need to be aware of. For instance, typing in all capital letters online is considered the equivalent of shouting in face-to-face communications. It's wise not to type in capital letters unless you really intend to be perceived as shouting.

Since body language and facial expressions are absent online, it's a good idea to punctuate your remarks with "emoticons", such as :) which is a smile, or :( which is a frown, or <G> grin, or <VBG> big grin.

There are also certain abbreviations that are handy. If someone types "brb", it means "be right back"...or "afk", which means "away from keyboard". If someone uses an abbreviation you are not familiar with, just ask what it means. Patrons will be happy to explain! :)

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