Callahan's Saloon
Welcome to

Thanks, Callahans

I happened to stumble across this site,
By pure and simple fate.
I've never written poems before,
That is, until of late.

I was searching through the many threads,
And one had caught my eye.
After thinking this one through a bit,
I decided to reply.

Though, feeling rather foolish,
I picked up my trusty pen,
The thought of "ME", writing poetry,
Left me with quite a grin.

With nothing there for me to lose,
And $5.00 I could win,
I thought, "oh, well... time will tell,"
And sent my poem on in.

It wasn't long thereafter,
As I checked my mail, one day,
An e-mail, kindly stated,
That my check was on its way.

So, I feel that I should thank you,
For giving me this chance,
To try my hand at poetry
And its rhythmic stance.

(Thanks again, for being here, for people just like me.
It's nice to have a place like this, to try our artistry.)

BABS54 02/09/2000

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