Callahan's Saloon
Welcome to

When I Joined the Party

I came to you in sadness,
And I came to you in shame
without a bit of gladness
I was a hurt without a name.
But I couldn't let you know it,
It was just too hard to share.
And you didn't mind my hiding,
That's how I knew you cared.

I told you funny stories
And filled the room with puns.
And slowly grew to love you all,
And to have a little fun.
Soon, my smiles were more frequent
And my sadnesses were shared.
And you wrapped your world around me,
And I truly knew you cared.

I came here wanting nothing,
Just a kind word and a friend,
A small thing to ask for,
But massive in the end.
So I raise my glass to all of you,
And toast for all to hear,
"Share your pains, Share your joys,
Share your love, and pass the beer!"

-- Gwen (PUNSTERGAL) July 30, 1999

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