Callahan's Saloon
Welcome to


A man named Spider
Took a look at the world around him
And found he wanted a place
To share a drink
And have a say
With others that felt
The same way.

So he ended his search
And instead created
A place to drink
And be content.
When Callahans became its name
And the doors opened on his dream
He called to those who wanted the same.

"Come along," he says.
"And have yourself a beer.
We are ever so glad
You could make it here.
Be sure to never fail
To join us at the fire
Whilest we tell our tales."

Callahans is always open
And you are always welcome
To come and drink your fill
And when you step to the line
To join us in a toast or two
We shall stand and listen
And smash a glass when you are through.

-- Ivori IVORILUV 01/19/02

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