Callahan's Saloon
Welcome to

The Great Bunny Bop

As sung by Grey to the tune of "Jailhouse
Rock" at the Gathering 2002 in Seattle!

The Lensman and the Laughinglady made a bet,
Grey lost and Carol won't let him forget.
She's gonna make him stand here and dance and sing,
Sit back and watch that grey-haired Lensman swing!

Let's rockEverybody, let's rock
Everybody at the Callahan's Hop
Was dancing to the Grey Bunny Bop!

A Spider spun a tale about an Irish pub
And it's become a Delphiforums club.
All kinds of creatures come and visit the room,
They've even been joined by some folks from Xoom!


First you swing it to the left,
then you swing it to the right,
Push your tush in the air,
hop with all of your might.
Let yourself go like you haven't a care,
And hop, hop, hop like a Mad March Hare!


If you haven't got a partner,
grab Mike, Jim, or Lou,
Bits, Kris, Carol, or a Caneguru.
Grab yourself a Dragon or a big wooly bear,
Or snag a passing Goddess from her cloudy chair!


Dancing to the Grey Bunny Bop,
Dancing to the Grey Bunny Bop,
Dancing to the Grey Bunny Bop
Dancing to the Grey Bunny Bop,
Everybody at the Callahan's Hop
Was dancing to the Grey Bunny Bop!

The juke box ain't playing rock'n'roll,
It ain't playing blues, rhythm, swing or soul.
Someone snuck in and filled it to the brim
With midi music by a guy named TIM!!


Everybody at the Callahan's Hop
Was dancing to the Grey Bunny Bop!
Everybody at the Callahan's Hop
Was dancing to the Grey Bunny Bop!

(Slow for finale)
Everybody at the Callahan's Hop
Was dancing to the Grey Bunny,
Grey Bunny Bop!

-- GreyLensman July 10, 2002

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