Callahan's Saloon
Welcome to

Happy Birthday, 2002

All -
I'm not around as much as I'd like, but you're all in my thoughts daily. Happy Calliversary to our home here at Callahan's!!!

Here goes:

Our nights have been fun, and our days even funner
Whether telling tall tales or peanutting the punner
Our lives have all changed through our magical rooms
All opened and visited at Cal's great Saloon
So a toast I am making in a horrible poem
May we all share our lives, and at great puns will moan
Raise your bottles and glasses and say with good cheer
Happy Birthday to Callahans on this and every year!

**** SMASH ****

God bless all of you who keep Callahans running day in and day out, those of you who nursed it through bad times, enjoyed the good times, and have helped keep it here on my rare visits...

-- Ken DRANGD July 6, 2002

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