Callahan's Saloon
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Meet Mike (Irish) !

I was born one morning when the sun didn't shine... no no... that's a long story. Now for the real stuff. I'm male at least I have been told that once or twice... and called it more than a few... I'm Human... or can pass for it after I have had my coffee.

Age: undetermined... But I build boats and can remember a flood...:] If you really must know... I was born December 6, 1959... you do the math..:]

Place of origin: Indianapolis, Indiana

Place of residence: American Midwest.

Family Ancestry: With a last name like mine... you have to ask ? Actually I'm multicultural... Irish(of course), French, English, German, and a couple of Native American Tribes thrown in. America, ain't it grand ? :]

I have read all of Spider Robinson's Callahan's tales. I like long walks off short piers, dining after midnight, and playing in the street. Actually I'm fond of Classical Music, but enjoy most forms of music...NOT noise.

I enjoy science fiction and fantasy, some horror, some mystery, and some poetry. I do art work, pencil and pastels mostly. I write poetry. I am an amateur radio operator (HAM). I enjoy math problems and balancing chemistry equations.

I have been in and out of Callahan's Saloon for... I can't remember. I am single... but don't let the name Sabrina throw you (BIIRISH)... that is my cat, Brina for short....:]

I like to learn about different religions and cultures... must be my background, huh ?

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