Callahan's Saloon
Welcome to

Callahan's March 2003 Bar Rag!

"To Callahan's Warmth
Wherever You May Be!"

In this issue:

Opening Toast - Manager's Corner
Website News - Conference News - Board News
Joke - Pun - Poem - Pun
Closing Quote - Editor's Note

Opening Toast

A toast...
To present company and absent friends...
May we all find our way home.

*** Smash! ***

- Slyph (LIBRARYLION) February 2, 2003

Manager's Corner

Hi all..

This message is almost exactly the same as last year's message at this time because the news this month is almost exactly the same. In fact, maybe I'll try to announce our annual Gathering every February - in time for the March Bar Rag..:)

Our Gathering 2003 will be held at the Mariemont Inn in Cincinnati, Ohio over the weekend of July 19th, 2003. Feel free to come earlier and stay later than those dates, or to come for just a day or two, or even to stop by for an afternoon..

The Gathering is open to all Callahanians and their friends and families - is a very informal event.. and is *always* fun..:)

Carol (LADYLAUGHING) and Mike (MIRISH) will be our co-hosts for the event. They'll be making up some activity plans for us over the next few weeks so we should have a choice of venues each day..:)

And, by the way, everyone should thank Carol and Mike for this - it's hard work hosting our group. Can you say, "Herding Cats?"..)

Aside from the Gathering, it occurs to me that we are a battered and banged up group this month.. Many of us are hurting.. and I hope finding the comfort and solace needed to recover from our various ailments.

The Lantern is lit.. and burning brightly.


Website News

We did a little catching up this month.. having finally added two new poems, Cortland's Calliversay By Tim and Christmas Cheer by Kate on our Poetry About Callahans page.

Conference News

From Ron - A Punday Night Report (February 4)


Therm, Tim, JayJ, LngBrnchLdy, Mauser, Fool_on_the_hill, Nickyfy2k, Fuzzy96, VikingRose, Mystress and Antimony!

Round one topic was "Food"

LunchLady cast a horrible pun about batter and butter. She left shortly after that. Therm and Maus were declared to be co-winners due to the effort both put out.

Various atrocities were committed by all, and some good fun was had. Round two did not occur due to more people leaving than entering, but conversation continued for about an hour before the room cleared out (except for Tim and Mystress.)

Tim Continued the Report:

Myst and I were chatting for about five minutes before the room became full again. BooBooBob showed up, as did Ed (Nicerguy1) and MissElsa (Els), Wild (wldthng), BobbiArtist, CatFantastic, and three or four people who's names I can't for the life of me remember. Chat continued until midnight or so. :)

And from Carol:

February started off with a bang in Chat. New comfy chairs are being created every day. Jayj's comfy white chair now sits next to Robmagus and his new black leather comfy chair. Kitty (LngbrnchLdy) has found her way to Callahans and has a comfortable chair that seems to fit her very well.. Welcome to Callahans Miss Kitty!

Jadoft came in one night during a winter weather advisory chilled to the bone. Walt pushed the button on The Machine and the switch cycled from the "B" position to the "B" position. Gears turned, bells rang, lights flashed, and a perfect Blessing was dispensed. Walt slid the GB down the bar to Jadoft who cheerfully received its double dose of warmth..:)

Valarltd made an appearance in chat that night (the 1st.) We've truly enjoyed Val's posts on the message board and it is always great to see "board" friends in chat. KaptnKate kept jumping in and out of chat that night - we're not sure if it was Delphi Demons or the allergy medications she had been taking - As Kate would say "Taking a trip without leaving the farm" Sure, Kate, Sure..:)

Laurie (gundy) and JayJ spent some time debating the issues of kissing - Lou smooches Walt yet kisses JayJ.. but Laurie, ever so innocently informed everyone that "a kiss can be anything from a peck on a cheek to comparative laryngeal anatomy by Braille. A smooch is a big, demonstrative dry kiss, usually administered on a cheek..." Hmmmm... Lou has made Laurie the Callahans unofficial official kissing expert!

Walt's apparel was questioned and poor Jayj's halo was quickly tarnished when she leaned over the bar to take pictures to add the Book O' Rumors. Boy, when that book is published we will see red faces everywhere (among a few other things )

Callahans has a new regular in chat as of late... Fuzzy96 - we're not sure how fuzzy he is but he's a funny guy nonetheless..:)<g> Henontic also found Callahans for the first time this month and after a bit of explanation about the joint he fit right in...

Questions arose about setting up a tab. It is a good thing we still have Ken's tab running. Over the past ten years there have been many many strange drinks served in Callahans but Henontic's request for a glass of pigmentally challenged milk had us all wondering... We later learned it's the "blue" 0% fat stuff! <g>

'tender Walt said we accept Canadian, US, British, French and Toast as payment.. Hey - it's all money but the Toast makes for easier payment! After some complained of hunger, Walt was magnificently provided bologna and whipped cream sandwiches to all. It's a good thing the four food groups are (according to Walt anyway) salt, sugar, alcohol, and pork rinds.

The toast of the evening (and for Friendship Month!) was very well presented by RobMagnus...

** To Friendships**
**** Smash ****

And from bits:

Work and travel plans resulted in a bit of a shuffle of Conference ‘Tenders this month. Thanks to Carol for covering "The Outpost" while Bits took a road trip!

Chat: February 7, 2003:

JayJ, HiAndrea, and Mauser commiserated about the snowy weather, Bits recorded in the Book O’Rumors Mauser’s report of Therm’S escape from a Great Fall’s Zoo, Fuzzy96 imbibed ‘Fuzzy Navels’, solarisbound observed the wandering conversations, Mauser perpetrated the pun "adding hot sauce to Guiness gives you a goodness Guiness", and Caneguru lamented, "how do you tell your employer that you have an Internet chat commitment? "

Valentine's Dance, Chat, February 14 2003:

It may have been ‘Valentines Day’ but Tim, Mauser, and Therm had the Blarney flying prior to the scheduled chat. Tim announced he may be visiting Amsterdam, they spoke of assorted military planes, and Therm received a lava with sulphur shooter from Tim, to which Mauser replied: "Tim, why do you want Therm to sulfur so?" Mauser also blessed us with these toasts:

"Over the lips and dust to dust!
If the Guinness won't get you then the Peelers must!"

And the Curmudgeon's Valentine's Day Greeting:

"Here's to you and here's to me
And may we never disagree
But just in case we ever do
Here's to me and to H__L with you!"

Bits inserted herself into this arena with the greeting "Drink, Dance and be Merry, you are all Sweethearts" and proceeded to hand out dancing shoes to everyone who entered. Mauser played Rodgers and Hammerstien tunes on his tin whistle for the dancers.

Jennielyn preferred red ruby slippers and Val preferred no shoes at all. JayJ was the first to attempt to learn belly dancing from Val…but others soon joined them. Jennie and Tim developed a new pastime; Peanut Darts, and then Fuzzy and his spouse joined JayJ, Jennie, Dusty and Bits doing the Macarena.

The dancing finally gave way to boas, stilettos, and ‘the box’. Ankh advised Fuzzy on ways to retaliate against ‘the box’, but poor Fuzzy did end up with his legs being waxed. The denizens in this chat outdid themselves on Valentines Day!

Message Board News

Bits and Pieces, February 2003

Callahan’s Crosstime Saloon-10 Years on Delphi Forums,
February 2003 Theme: Lady Sally, the Ultimate Hostess

"One of the things this version of "Callahan's Crosstime Saloon" has tried to do over the last 10 years is to be a place where "All Creatures are Welcome." So, February seemed to be a good time to take a look at Mike Callahan's wife, the ultimate hostess, Lady Sally McGee."

"Lady Sally's Law: Shared despair is squared; shared hope is cubed (or better: Raised to the power of infinity?)."

This post included links to chat announcements and online versions of some "Lady Sally" stories provided by Carol (LADYLAUGHING)

Bits (LBT1), Callahans News-The Ultimate Hostess 

A Recently Released Movie….

"I went to see Chicago today.."

"I'm speechless... not only did the actors do all of their own singing and dancing, and EXTREMELY WELL, I might add, but it was well played, brilliantly edited and just an INCREDIBLE film."

Books, Movies, and Music Folder, Oh....My.... by BooBooBob

About Love….

What is "true love"?
Is "true love" blind?
Is there such a thing as "true love" at first sight?
Is "true love" different from love?

And last but not least:

What does "true love" *feel* like?"

Lou (ROSE8364) True Love in the General Folder

Many places in the US received record snowfalls during the month, but Ivori had a remedy.

Happiness Grows..... all things growing.

Ivoriluv asks: What is your favorite spring flower?

General Discussion-Happiness Grows...

Unease about Terrorist Threats and War Continued to Spark Discussions…

noigileR & seussI ,scitiloP-Duct tape and plastic sheeting??? From: Sandy (MISSS)

"I guess I have two questions, are any of you preparing as advised? And, really, is duct tape and plastic sheeting really going to make a difference or is the government just trying to give us something to do to help us all take these things seriously?"

"I guess I'm in a quandary over all this. I was somewhat paralyzed after 9/11. I wouldn't even go to the mall for a while. One day I realized that I was being ridiculous and decided that life had to go on and that I had no control over anything that might happen. Now I feel like I'm being pushed back into my protective basement again. There are no answers. I know that but it does help to talk about my fears."

Sylphidine Wordsmith (LIBRARYLION): "I know that feeling. I had to fight utter and complete panic to go into Boston a few weeks ago, when I started my job-scouting mission. It used to be that the worst thing would be a delay on the "T" due to track fires. Now I have visions of nerve gas attacks."

Adam (LIMO_DRIVER): I'm half-a-world-away from the centre of the turmoil but, as the terrorist bombings in Bali have shown, not completely immune.

Sue (SUEMO:)I think if I lived in D.C. or New York City, Chicago, or maybe even St. Louis or K.C. I would probably go out and get the duct tape and plastic sheeting

At the end of February 2003, Carol (LADYLAUGHING) revived a thread started by Cortland in February 2002; Thoughts on Peace 

Cortland: "There is no pacifist like a veteran. The soldier who has seen war is devoted to seeing that it is as short, and as far away, and as rare as possible. That soldier knows there is a difference between "no war," and peace. But the unintended victims of war can’t make such distinctions. They don’t have time to be pacifists; they have enough immediate trouble with war, and not in the abstract, either! They want war to go away, even if real peace is not an option."

Mark (QUIRC): "I did very much appreciate the first and last paragraphs in your post #36 of this thread. Your line, "What must we do to make peace a reality".

Help Us Keep this Thread going, and Add to the Book Quotes page of the “Off the Wall” Section of our Website! 

Carol (LADYLAUGHING) started Book Quotes - We all love them on 31 December 2002:

"There is just something about a great book and the great quotes that stay with us even after the book has long been put away...."

"We have a few already and with so many book lovers here we can continue to add to this list all year long."

“Mine -

"I don't mind being bone and feathers, Mom. I just want to know what I can do in the air and what I can't, Thats all. I just want to know. - Jonathan Livingston Seagull"

The following quotes were ALSO added to the discussion during February 2003:

"...I have never been outside of my own land before. And if I had known what the world outside was like, I don't think I should have had the heart to leave it." >- Meriadoc Brandybuck, Fellowship of the Ring. - ALOUZON

"What can the harvest hope for, if not for the care of the reaper man?" Death appeals to Azrael "Reaper Man," by Terry Pratchett - Seanachai (LADYSEANA)

Editor's Note: What bits forgot to mention is that her daughter, Amanda, graduated from technical school in February. bits attended the graduation ceremony in in Mississippi and they spent time together driving back home. Wouldn't you have liked to be a fly on the wall during *that* journey? :)

Birthdays Last Month

Birthday Greetings were heartily extended to:

Jim   JIMBEAUX   February 06
JP   JP8   February 07
Elizabeth Kate   ELIZABETHKAT   February 11
Plex   PLEXA   February 15
Clur   CLURICHAUN   February 19
Wild   WLDTHG   February 26
Harold   HAROLD628   February 26

Calliversaries Last Month

Lily LADYLILLY99   February 02, 2001
Sherry CAFEPHILOSPH   February 06, 2000
Didi LABOHEMIA   February 14, 2001
Tracey TACALVERT   February 14, 2001
Luddite FREDERIC13   February 24, 2001
JP JP8   February 27, 1999

Joke of The Month

A guy goes into a restaurant/lounge wearing a shirt open at the collar and is met by a bouncer who tells him he must wear a necktie to gain admission.

So the guy goes out to his car and he looks around for a necktie and discovers that he just doesn't have one. He sees a set of jumper cables in his trunk.

In desperation he ties these around his neck, manages to fashion a fairly acceptable looking knot and lets the ends dangle free. He returns to the restaurant and the bouncer carefully looks him over for a few minutes and then says,

"Well, OK, I guess you can come in - just don't start anything."

- Sylph's friend Jeffums February 3, 2003

Pun of the Month

A fellow received a mouse for his birthday and he loved it so much that he never parted with it. He took this mouse everywhere, to work, to parties, to the opera...

One day, a good friend of his died and so he went to pay his respects at the funeral parlor. Naturally, he took the mouse, which was perched on his shoulder.

On his way home, he suddenly realized that the mouse was gone! He retraced all his moves for the day and realized that the last place he had seen the mouse was at the funeral parlor. He raced back across town, but it was too late. His little friend was nowhere to be found.

He surmised the mouse must have jumped off his shoulder onto the casket. Probably frightened, the mouse must have sought shelter in the closed casket! The body had been removed and was already being transported to the cemetery in the hearse - along with his friend. It was too late... the mouse was being buried alive.

Filled with grief, he remembered an old adage his mother had told him time and time again as a kid......

"Never lock a gift mouse in the hearse!""

- Sue (SUEMO)

Poem of the Month - "Pipes"

Fractured winds,
both, and sudden bent
to their needs.

Among the reeds, she rests.
The complaint of her breath
completes the sylvan's sigh,
sweetly. He stains his lips
with air.

-Mikel (PEWTERPOT) February 19, 2003

Closing Quote

"Anger is seldom without an argument but seldom with a good one. "

– Lord Halifax, with thanks to Sue (SUEMO)

Editor's Note

We hope you find the Bar Rag entertaining and informative. We can always use good pieces and writers here. If you have something you would like to submit, or have a comment, good or bad, about the newsletter, simply send us a note.

If you wish to receive the Bar Rag each month via email, simply send us a note Your email address will not be made visible to others who receive the Bar Rag. The Bar rag will, of course, continue to be available on our Web site..:)

And a reminder: we urge everyone to use our website as a gateway into Callahans on Delphi Forums. You will find prominent links to our Message Board and Conference rooms there but also if we ever have technical trouble at Delphi, we can easily let you know and redirect you to a backup site if the trouble is truly serious. And besides - our website itself is special..:)

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