Callahan's Saloon
Welcome to

Callahan's January 2002 Bar Rag!

"To Callahan's Warmth
Wherever You May Be!"

In this issue:

Opening Toast - Manager's Corner
Website News - Conference News - Board News
Joke - Pun - Poem - Pun
Closing Quote - Editor's Note -

Opening Toast

To the Christmas season..
When we soak up enough love and peace
to survive the rest of the year!

*** smash ****

Therm THERMOPOLIS December 22, 2001

Manager's Corner

Hi all..

Callahan's had a great year 2001 and a great December. We look forward to the future knowing that things will only get even better..

When I say we had a great year, I don't mean we didn't have some difficulties or that all of our patrons and friends were perfectly happy in their lives. What I mean is that we shared.

Callahans is about sharing. Sharing joy and sorrow. Sharing dreams, political views, memories.. lives. I'm grateful to you all.. for giving Callahans another great year..:)

It's hard for me to look back much past our Gathering 2001 in Boston over Labor Day weekend.. But there was so much more to the year.. New patrons.. new 'tenders.. a new manager.. a wedding.. and new discussions on our board and in conference that I think ultimately help us become more tolerant - and love-filled in our lives..

We were joined late this year by a group of fine people affectionately known as Xoomies.. You will find links below to the Xoomie Chronicles - which explore the paths they took to arrive in Callahans. I'm enjoying their company more and more and may one day write an addendum to The Xoomie Chronicles to describe events from my perspective! I hope you enjoy the read..:)

Operation Butterball was a wonderful success this year! Our goal was 1000 gifts of roughly 5 dollars value which meant 5000 dollars. As of December 31st, we far exceeded our goal. Total gifts donated was <drum roll, please> greater than 1500!! Thanks to all of you who donated your time and money to local charities - and especially to Sandra and Brigitte - who co-chaired the drive - without (I might add) breaking a single elbow..:)

As I said, we've shared great sorrow this year.. but we've also celebrated great joys together.. and we will continue to share both into the future. It's what brings us together..:)


Website News

We've done quite a bit of work on the Website this month.. We had gotten behind somewhat in posting our Bar Rag on the site but now all Bar Rags for 2001 are happily visible..:)

And we've finally uploaded photographs from the Gathering 1995 (6 years ago!) which we've added to our Gathering Photos page. We're grateful to Laura, who participated in the event, for sending us her photos of this bit of Callahan's history..:)

Much of the rest of the work was administrative in nature as we continue to migrate our website from Delphi to 50megs. We hope you enjoy visiting..:)

And a reminder: we urge everyone to use our website as a gateway into Delphi. You will find prominent links to our (Delphi) Message Board and Conference rooms there but also if we ever have technical trouble at Delphi, we can easily let you know and redirect you to a backup site if the trouble is truly serious. And besides - our website itself is special..:)

Conference News

From Cstar:

The Wizard of OZ was on TV tonight (December 2nd), and it gave rise to odd happenings in chat. Dixie, KaptnKate and Crystallange1 decided to wax Walt's legs. Seems they thought his Dorothy (OZ) outfit would look better without the hairy legs. Hey - *he's* the one that was reciting "there's no place like home... " and all the other lines from Wizard of OZ. He hid in the hot tub, and the ladies seemed to be content to let it slide... this time.

Nicerguy wondered about the truth of the relationship between Dorothy and the Scarecrow... Therm (THERMOPOLIS) admitted he asked an ex-girlfriend's mother not to hate him, but to forgive him for the house he dropped on her sister. He said it didn't do much for their relationship... Grey quipped, "Who votes that Walt stop the Margaret Hamilton impressions? Ok, the OZ have it..."

From Helen:

Hi all,

I amazed myself tonight and actually stuck around for a night of puns casually tending drinks and happen to catch some of the horrors that were extracted this night.

The night got off to a slow start, (even I was confused as to if it was a going concern) but in spite of Delphi hiding the members it eventually got underway. THESNOWPEA was elected first guest Ref and proceeded a short round, topic was Rocks and Gemstones...

Brunotim, Goatboy, Catlaughing and (amazingly enough) even I were dishonorable mentions, but the round won out to Tad... an example of his foulness was "I saw a whole lot of rescue workers going by and I called out to ask what was going on. One of them said "It's Sapphire""

Tad then took a turn at Guest Reffing a second short round, the Topic for this was Birds. The round sped by so fast that even drinking was dangerous... for the keyboard. Thesnowpea and Brunotim got mentioned as topping out the top three punners of the round.. The Top place going to Thermopolis for a sheer overwhelming volume of puns along with the horrific quality of each. Including a series of "Cardinal Sins."

It was a fun night... however when I left they seemed to be gearing up for a third quick round with Therm as the ref. I should mention that we had a new face in the crowd who didn't seem to mind the puns, and actually stuck around to hear a few.. Her name was XJAYJX, I hope to see her again.

What a night to start tending again on... maybe I should go back into hiding out in "Late Night" with Mike. <g>

From Tim:

Wow! What a great chat! (December 18/19th)

Mike MIIRISH, Peter TAX_HOMBRE, and myself were the 'tenders who were there... but we were visited by lots of people. Heck, I just left, and there were 6 or 8 people still chatting. It was rockin' tonight!

Mike -- as always -- fell into 'tending like Paladin falling into a gunfighter's stance, and Peter found time to find a poetry link for Mick MICKOTINE. (Mick is a friend of mine from another ficton, and a great guy who should visit more often.) CATLAUGHING also showed up to brighten the night, as did PROFESSOR103, BLUERETURNS, LAURENZ, and a whole slew of other people.

The chat was general, the people congenial, and the banter whimsical. It was good time, had by all!

High points of the night: Teaching Lauren the significance of '***SMASH!***' including the mechanics of the '/ACT' command, and seeing her make use of it, and finding out that she actually *likes* puns! (poor girl!) I think she'll be back. :)

And visiting with Bee RAWLINSON, a poster from across the pond who rarely makes it into chat when most of us are awake: she's a delightful lady.

Talking with several other European folks who wandered in to say hi: it seems that you have to burn the midnight oil to talk to most of them, but if you *can* stay awake that late, it's really worth it!

There were lots of first time visitors (at least, they seemed so to me, but I haven't been here that long) and they seemed to like the ambience and decor. Maybe we'll see them back again.

And from Mike:

We had the following new people (well at least new to me.)

seanair, laurenz2, bluereturns, defeater00, charlesaw8, alexia8, mosquito5 and darryl780. And as Tim said, Peter, Bee, and Catlaughing.

Topics of discussion during the night were Peter's upcoming trip to France, poetry, Punday nights, seagrape wine, and strange foods (armadillo, alligator to name a couple.) I left about 2:30 CST. Peter was still there due to being keyed up for the trip..:)

From Cane:

Oh, me and Bee. Lessee. We had a WONDERFUL conversation (December 21st) about holiday foods (I asked her what "figgy pudding" was) and about how she's getting her kids a Cairn Terrier puppy for Christmas. She's doing it right (sayeth the former dog trainer/consultant.) Putting different accessories in wrapped packages under the tree. Planning to take pics of the kids as they open boxes that have things like leash, collar, water bowl. The puppy comes along later... after the holidays.

We talked some about what the chocolate rocks were that she referenced in her post about the Xmas package she and the kids got. At that point CStar was there and we all talked briefly about how to make rock candy.

Dixie was there for a good bit of the time, and Catlaughing, too. I was tending and decided that perhaps the Delphi demons would be happier if we gave them some holiday cheer. As the demons got inebriated, they started turning colors and patterns. And didn't boot people so much. <g>

Cat Catlaughing tipped me in cat-friendly tinsel, which got the others putting lights, mistletoe, etc. on me. Which was kinda fun..:)

Oh, and Dixie gave me a pressie before I left. A trip anywhere I wanted to go.. and I get to bring all my friends. <smile> I'm thinking of starting out at Bee's for the holidays and then perhaps to Dixie's so that we can ride in a one hoss open sleigh...

And Cstar added:

When Cane got the demons drunk, I proceeded to hang them from the rafters and decorated 'em with spray adhesive, glitter and sequins. I think we inflated them with gas, but don't remember what kind we decided on. We made rhinestone and ruby strings, and braided 'em in Cane's and Catlaughing's hair.

Cane forgot to put the top on the blender when she was making margaritas, it sprayed EVERYWHERE including all over the tree, I threw salt on it, to make it complete, and the crystals reflected the colored lights everywhere.

Later on, when Therm came in, I made him the Chrysanthemas Dragon (based on someone's typo of Christmas) with a red ornament on his tail, red and green glitter, and tinsel with edible glue hanging from his left ear. All the better to nibble on, that edible glue...

Dixie handed out presents: gave Walt a trip to the Islands so he could get over his URI's; for Lou, she declared that the Jets would win the SuperBowl; for me... she doubled my goddess powers! I plan on using them *very* wisely - of course!

From Carol:

The denizens were the usual mood of frolic Saturday night (December 22nd) Late in the evening Walt and Cane stood on the table in Callahan’s and sang the duet of "Walking in a Winter Wonderland" I think Dixie is still wondering "why" anyone would want to build a snowman like Parson Brown.

Fishnuts spent most of the evening in the hot tub.. Poor Fish is always flopping around. We plan to build him some legs in the future..

Callahans is beginning to be known as a 'dragon-friendly' place. In addition to Therm, and Kitarae (who tends to knock over things with her tail and drink from large barrels,) from time to time ZendragonOne stops in for a drink to cool the heat in his throat. We don’t have a problem keeping the fireplace lit when dragons are in the room..:) Islelady dropped in to spend the evening with the dragon.. Welcome to Callahan’s Islelady!

Message Board News

From Silky:

December was an exceptionally busy month in the General Discussion folder. We’ve laughed together, turned some fairly serious thoughts over and had some discussions that, inevitably, have gotten derailed.

Cstar had some carry-over with her manic question session that began in November, in Toys? and Naps, among others. It’s amazing what folks will answer on the boards, isn’t it? <g>

My li’l brother Tim started us all thinking about the things that move us, the things that grab us so hard that they make us cry, in What Moves You?

Claimsman got some interesting answers in My Part of the World is... Seems that a lot of us have moved about just a bit. Hmm... just a thought on *my* part, but doesn’t it seem that the more cosmopolitan a person is, the more... tolerant s/he is? That’s one of those things I’m still trying to answer for myself.

Our own SilentLector started an interesting discussion on the nature of ugly, in, What Is Ugly? The consensus of opinion seems to be that we here at Cal’s look for the beauty within, rather than the external features. And that ugly is something that is the reverse of that... anger, fear, hatred within, no matter what the *outside* is like. Hmm...come to think of it...isn’t that the way it *should* be?

Bhanti kicked off an extended discussion of styles of thought in Are You a Circular or Linear Thinker? I’m still not certain just which type I am, but I’m certainly *thinking* about it! <g>

Tad gave us the history of Xoom in The Xoomie Chronicles which we turned into a special edition for the Bar Rag..:) Therm then... er...fleshed it out in An Alternative View (though *why* a dragon was fleshing out anything that he wasn’t going to eat, is beyond me!)

You'll find a feast of suggestions for party food in bits thread Party Food Ever noticed how many of us are good cooks? Or at least *try* really hard? I guess the rest of us are just more than willing to partake of their efforts. <g>

Tim, again, wanted us to get into telling some whoppin big lies, in Let’s Tell Some Outright Lies! There were some interesting... stories... in that one... And it was one of the ones that got de-railed. Seems that food is a topic we like to talk about. <g>

Callahan’s, where we think, talk, discuss, swap tales and recipes, and play... Does it get any better than this?

Oh... and while I’m thinking about it, I hope everyone had a happy, safe holiday season!

Birthdays Last Month

Birthday Greetings were heartily extended to:

Tesla   N TESLA   December 01
Mike   MIIRISH   December 06
Walt   WWW3   December 10
Larry   LATENIGHTLAR   December 13
Tim   BRUNOTIM   December 15
Tam_za   TAM_ZA   December 16
Gaijin   GAIJIN   December 17
Gwen   PUNSTERGAL   December 18

Calliversaries Last Month

Carol LADYLAUGHING   December 12, 1999
Peter PHDESMOND   December 16, 1994
bits LBT1   December 17, 1999
Cuervo LAURA128   December 18, 1998
Dick ERUMELIA   December 20, 1998
Cane CANEGURU   December 23, 2000
Gwen PUNSTERGAL   December 23, 1998
Cstar CSTAR1   December 28, 1998
Saint JIMFIVE   December 31, 1994

Joke of The Month

A couple lived near the ocean and used to walk the beach a lot. One summer they noticed a girl who was at the beach pretty much every day. She wasn't unusual, nor was the travel bag she carried, except for one thing; she would approach people who were sitting on the beach, glance around furtively, then speak to them.

Generally the people would respond negatively and she would wander off, but occasionally someone would nod and there would be a quick exchange of money and something she carried in her bag. The couple assumed she was selling drugs, and debated calling the cops, but since they didn't know for sure they just continued to watch her.

After a couple of weeks the wife said, "Honey, have you ever noticed that she only goes up to people with boom boxes and other electronic devices?" He hadn't and said so.

Then she said, "Tomorrow I want you to get a towel and our big radio and go lie out on the beach. Then we can find out what she's really doing."

Well, the plan went off without a hitch and the wife was almost hopping up and down with anticipation when she saw the girl talk to her husband and then leave. The man walked up the beach and met his wife at the road. "Well? Is she selling drugs?" she asked excitedly.

"No, she's not," he said, enjoying this probably more than he should have. "Well? What is it, then? What does she do?" his wife fairly shrieked.

The man grinned and said, "She's a battery salesperson."

"Batteries?" cried the wife.

"Yes," he replied.

"She sells C cells by the sea shore."

- Dave (FLATBUSHSKP) 12/9/2001

Pun of the Month

Two men were down on their luck and decided to paint houses to earn some extra money. To start their business they asked the rabbi of a local temple if he would be interested in their service. He agreed and the men went out to buy the paint.

As they drove to the paint store they decided that they would mix half paint and half water to try to increase their profits.

When they finished the job they called the rabbi outside to look at their work. "It looks wonderful," the rabbi said and as he started to hand them the check a small rain cloud appeared. All at once there was lightning and thunder and the temple area was drenched with rain. As the rain hit the temple the paint started running.

Suddenly, as the three of them stood there in disbelief, a voice from heaven roared ...

"Repaint! Repaint and thin no more!"

- Dave (FLATBUSHSKP) 12/25/2001

Poem of the Month - "I Saw Them Arresting Santa Claus"

I saw them arresting Santa Claus
In the airport line on Christmas Day.
They read him all his rights
And locked the handcuffs tight
And then they led the poor old elf away.
Wrapped and sealed were all his packages
Could not search for safety at the gate.
No passport did he hold,
But walked up all so bold
And tried to get on board; it was too late.

No one believes what he says to them,
ID he has none, nor passport too.
The reindeer in the lot
Have by now all been shot,
And Christmas gift delivering is through.

Anyone who spies on kiddies, now,
And knows what they have done the whole year long,
Must be a master spy
To let nothing go by;
The CIA wants Santa to say how!

Oh, I saw them arresting Santa Claus
In the airport line on Christmas Day
They read him all his rights
And locked the handcuffs tight
And then they led the poor old elf away!

- Cortland Richmond December 2001

Closing Quote

"It's only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth - that we have no way of knowing when our time is up - that we begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it were the only one we had."

- Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Editor's Note

We hope you find the Bar Rag entertaining and informative. We can always use good pieces and writers here. If you have something you would like to submit, or have a comment, good or bad, about the newsletter, simply send us a note.

If you wish to receive the Bar Rag each month via email, simply send us a note Your email address will not be made visible to others who receive the Bar Rag. The Bar rag will, of course, continue to be available on our Web site..:)

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