Callahan's Saloon
Welcome to

Callahan's February 2001 Bar Rag!

"To Callahan's Warmth
Wherever You May Be!"

In this issue:

Opening Toast - Manager's Corner
Conference News - Message Board News
Birthdays - Joke - Poem
Closing Quote - Editor's Note -

Opening Toast

"To A Continuing Happy and Properous New Year For All!"

*** SMASH ***

-- Lou

Manager's Corner

Hi all..

January was an exciting month at Callahans. Operation Butterball has just concluded and was another big success for our community, and our annual Valentine's Poetry contest is underway.

Further, we've started a 'gateway' page on an off site area for everyone to use to access Callahans. It's located on the 50megs site. I urge you all to visit the page and bookmark it.. and use it whenever you come to visit us. All the links on that page bring you to us at Delphi..:)

We've launched some recent polls on the board to help us select a time and place for our annual Gathering - and that subject is always welcome.

We've had a few special conferences of late and are planning another with the Singles forum later this month. I've always liked the notion of special conferences and am very happy to see them return. Watch for announcements of more coming soon..:)

I hope you all enjoy reading this month's Bar Rag. Beginning next month, we will start mailing it out again as we believe we can do so without sharing your email address with everyone else on the list. I'll tell you more next month.


Conference News

Delphi installed a new chat client at the end of December that's met with very mixed reviews. The old client was over 15 years old, housed on some very old equipment, had stability problems, and didn't work for all forums. The new chat client is less than two months old, is housed on brand new equipment, and has stability problems. ::grin::

Actually, while the new client is a pretty bare bones version, there are some nice features, such as the larger type, the list of names in the chat along the side, and button commands for moderators.

There are definitely some drawbacks at this point, but Prospero has indicated that the second version should address some of the glitches, bugs, and *hopefully* return some of the robust features we've depended on for so many years. If you have any questions about the new chat, please feel free to ask, and we'll do our best to answer you.

Special Conference on Herbal Remedies!

We are very happy to report that Callahans had its first of the year special conference with a very special guest speaker this month!

Hombre Verde, with help from Carol (LadyLaughing) and Lou (Rose8364), fielded question after question about herbal remedies and treatments on the night of January 19th.

Hombre, aka the Green man, is a professional herbalist and gave advice on a variety of conditions and treatment alternatives while stressing that his advice should never be used as an alternative to sound medical treatment for medical conditions.

Over 30 people attended the conference over its two hours and many questions were asked and answered. We look forward to having many more such special conferences in coming months. Here is a transcript of the event.

If you'd like to host a special conference you think our patrons might enjoy, simply write to our Conference Manager to see when a date might be arranged..:)

Special thanks to Hombre Verde, host of the Seekers of Old Knowledge forum on Delphi, and to our own Carol for hosting the event.

And another very special thank you to Cstar and Silky, who laboriously hand transcribed a log of the event to be published on our Website. Silky also edited the log and posted it on our board..:)

Message Board News

From Cstar:

January was one of the most interesting months we've had on the board recently. Our themes were King Arthur in Literature and Legend, Wales, Lions.... we never really got around to the second two, but we certainly found out that we have quite a few folks interested in King Arthur. Bill Merritt (MERRITT9) posted some wonderful accounts of the history and myth surrounding the legendary king of Camelot, in King Arthur - what a guy! Bill's storytelling abilities as well as his lifelong interest in history made for fascinating reading. Aunti Em, bits, Helen, Jim Crowley and others share Bill's fascination for this legendary hero, we all appreciated the efforts he took to give us the benefit of his researches.

Lou started a poll asking where our Gathering should be this year. If you haven't voted, make sure you stop by, give us your thoughts. We'll most likely hold it between the last week of August, and the first two weeks of September. Do you have a city you'd like to recommend?

Our poetry editor, Peter (PHDESMOND) spent the holidays in Sicily, and treated us to quite a travelogue in his usual droll style. We missed him sorely, and are very glad he's back!

Past Conference Manager, Ken (DRANGD) revealed where he's been keeping himself these days. Contrary to popular belief lets us all know that he's not dead, and hasn't been kidnapped by aliens, but he has become addicted to a very popular online computer game, called EverQuest. Ken! Come out, come out, wherever you are! ::sigh:: Looks like "Evercrack/Neverleave" has claimed a victim... for now. We miss him, but he does still stop in now and again.

Carol (LadyLaughing) woke up one morning, and decided that she was Going South for the Winter. Well, of course she had to take Silky, David, EK, Moby, Brigitte, Walt, Chris, Vickie, Robert, Kirwand, Tam_Za, GreyLensman, Parrish..... and every single other Callahanian denizen it seems! They all headed off to Florida, where kestrel, Lou, bits and JP prepared a clearing for the eventual arrival. Come to think of it, this road trip was worse than the one in Callahan's Key, when the book's characters all headed to Florida. Talk about herding cats!

Sylphidine issued a challenge to all our web-researchers that has not yet been met: Find a database that lists what short story is in which anthology. "The topic came up in the car, on the ride home, that we in America are losing more and more of our short-story heritage, because anthologies seem to be amongst the first things to hit the 'discard' bins. Out-of-date mystery, horror, and SF; no-longer-in-vogue [or in VOGUE ::g::] authors; magazine fiction from long-defunct publications." Any help will be appreciated, just click on the link and post a message if you have any suggestions.

The folder-that-can't-decide-its-name was *very* active this month. What started out as "Politics and Religion" became "The World at Large", then morphed again into "noigileR & scitiloP, seussI" to better reflect [groan] its true contents.

Discuss Social Security with Lou (ROSE8364), Education with Cortland (KA5S), Proselytizing with Robert (IMAGINES), Heros with bits (LBT1), Political sensitivity with Allan (TUT_RA), the Clinton-Ray agreement with Carol (LADYLAUGHING). Dozens of other topics this month as well - check out this increasingly active folder!

Our fourth annual love poetry contest is in full swing, with the winners to be announced on February 14th. We'll feature the winning poems in next month's Bar Rag! December's IBPC contest winners were announced in January, and our own Bee (RAWLINSON) received an honorable mention for "Normandy." Great job, Bee!!

A special treat: read A Holiday Greeting From Spider Robinson! The biggest treat, for me, was getting to meet Spider Robinson in October, present him with two mugs, and hear him read. This is pure gravy. :)

Bits was spurred to ask the question Do We Still Have Heroes? after reading posts from other discussions. Kotik thinks we do: "There are absolutely still heros out there." Yolaxochitl provided us with the classical definition of "hero." And Clurichaun misses the days when we had public heroes. This discussion became quite lively. You can read the responses and tell us what you think.

Books, Movies, Music Folder-January 2001

Fantasy fans are in for some movie treats in the coming year. TNT is producing a mini-series version of Marion Zimmer Bradley's Mists of Avalon, set to be released sometime in 2001, J.R.R. Tolkien fans will be able to see the first of three movies based on his beloved books about hobbits and middle earth when the Lord of the Rings is released to movie theaters in December 2001.

Cstar provided us with several bits of the Arthurian Legend in this thread, not to mention some excellent web sites!

Claimsman has invited folks to offer their favorite WWII era books, movies, and songs. Read his request and reply here.

Have something you would like to say about our message board? Drop me a line and let us know. Staff

Birthdays this Month

Birthday Greetings were heartily extended to:

Texican   TEXICAN   January 3
Milady   MILADYDONNA   January 9
Will   SIRWILL99   January 14
Caneguru   CANEGURU   January 20
Patti   MIST4   January 25

Joke of The Month

Once upon a time, in a far-off land, there was a kingdom in which the king was fond of history and ancient things. He would collect historical objects, dress in royal threads from bygone eras, and generally try to live ancient traditions.

One day the king issued a royal proclamation, as kings are wont to do now and then. Of course, he wrote the proclamation in the language of 200 years ago, rich in antiquated spellings, obsolete words, now-defunct verb forms, etc.

The general population, of course, could make neither heads nor tails of the proclamation. A vast legal muddle ensued.

The courts, called upon to untangle the mess, pronounced a ruling that, henceforth, all royal proclamations must be written in modern, currently accepted prose.

Moral: We can't have archaic and edict, too.

-- Larry Adams (LATENIGHTLAR)

Poem of the Month - "Some Things"

There are things I just don’t understand
Like the theory of relativity
Or why a computer works
Why dogs have black lips
And being without you hurts.

There are things I just don’t understand
Like the space time continuum
Or who made iron float and why
Do cats really have nine lives
And why does your voice make me cry

There are things I just don’t understand
Like why you hate the ‘phone
Then E-mail me to say it snowed
Please help me understand….
Just why did the chicken cross the road

-- Vickie (MIDUSTOUCH) January 21, 2001

Closing Quote

Grief drives men into the habits of serious reflection, sharpens the understanding and softens the heart.

- John Adams Letter to Thomas Jefferson May 6, 1816

Editor's Note

We hope to start offering the Bar Rag via email starting next month. Please send us a note if you want to receive the Bar Rag each month via email. Your email address will not be made visible to others who receive the Bar Rag. We will, of course, continue to post the Rag on our Web site..:)

We hope you find the Bar Rag entertaining and informative. We can always use good pieces and writers here. If you have something you would like to submit, or have a comment, good or bad, about the newsletter, or if you wish to be added to or removed from our Bar Rag mailing list, simply send us a note.

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