Callahan's Saloon
Welcome to

Callahan's November 2000 Bar Rag!

"To Callahan's Warmth
Wherever You May Be!"

In this issue:

Opening Toast - Manager's Corner
Website News - Conference News - Message Board News
Birthdays - Joke - Poem
Closing Quote - Editor's Note -

Opening Toast

"To the Magic...may it ever grow in strength! "


-- Midustouch (MIDUSTOUCH) The Lanterns Message

Manager's Corner

Happy holidays to all!

It's not always easy. This is a stressful time for many and a time for us to reflect upon what Callahan's is. Not everyone counts their blessings during the holidays and we must be prepared to listen carefully and offer comfort to those who cannot share our joy. Please pay close attention to each other during the next few weeks and month... and years..!

Gift giving ought to reflect a thoughtful approach as to what would make someone happy. Something as simple as a finely crafted email could make a wonderful holiday gift...

Operation Butterball has begun! It's our traditional effort (now) to help feed the poor across our local communities around the world. Please budget now and dig deep to help those in your community who need it most.

Enjoy the holiday season everyone..:)

And the beat goes on...!

Website News

As mentioned above, we have 4 new poems about us on the board in July and two more collaborative poems to be added soon..

We've also added biographies and images of several new patrons to our Patron's Page.

Conference News

Join us in our conferences! We have saved you a seat, and your favorite beverage is waiting.

If you had a great time in one of our conferences, tell us about it! We want to hear your thoughts!

Message Board News

Pegasus sent in this update on the Creative Writing Board.

Griddlebone had the dubious honor of acting as secretary to Hecate and she told us the truth about Persephone and Hades in "The Rape of Persephone"

A great-great-granddaughter told us the real story of "Hansel and Gretel"

Cortland wrote the perfect best seller for us; romance, travel, mystery, violence - Love at the Airport has it all!

David Brewer, before going off to the hospital, resurrected an old verse and captured the essence of Callahans in More Great Lies from Callahans and he's also laying claim to having done it while fishing!

Slyphidine and Jedi GoodKnight added their versions of reality to More Great Lies from Callahans as well, telling of how they managed to wander into Cal's in the first place.

After having seen Griddlebone and JediGoodKnight do so well at my favorite "hard-bitten" adventure stories, I thought I'd try the genre in The War

Yolaxochitl shared a number of "How Things Began..." stories with us this month. Winning Without Hands, The Straw-Hat Temple and the fable of The Unhappy Wolf

Lesley was brave enough to share the story of a Death Row inmate; in her phenomenal Untitled She's also looking for help with titling, if there's someone out there with the talent for it?

The Legends, Lies and Lore thread is proving to be the perfect showcase for some fantastic writing talent. It's a co-operative fairy tale, so feel free to jump right in!

I'm not sure who her "Otherworld" contact is, but Griddlebone found the "inside scoop" in Tales of the Sun and the Moon.

To: Love is a short piece, a letter to Love. Personally, the only thing worse than losing love is losing the dream of it. See what Griddlebone has to say on the subject.

And when she's not writing some beautiful pieces, Griddlebone has been adding to our collection of Useful Tips. Thanks, GB!

Jenkoplitz got caught doing a good deed this past Thanksgiving. By Blood is what happened.

And Jedi GoodKnight has finally gotten another installment of Slamdance off the computer and into a post!

Peter gave us this update on the Poetry Board.

October was a busy month in the poetry folder; over one hundred entries were posted to the fall poetry contest. The winner of the first prize was Gail M. Slater, for her poem "21 December 2000." Second prize went to Vickie Bowman (Midustouch) for "The Ancients," while the third prize was awarded to Cortland Richmond and his poem "Nature Lover."

Four poets won honorable mention: Dunlin ("Life Cycles"), Richard Hutchinson ("My Garden is Lovely"), Pegasus ("Things of Summer"), and Rick Sheeley ("The Blue Prince"). The texts of all seven poems are posted on our poetry contest pages: Poetry Contest

The two poetry chats this month were well attended. On October 26 we had our second annual Scary Poetry Night in honor of Halloween.

CStar sent us this update.

The Gathering Glow is slow to fade. Lou and DarkEyes propose the next one be held in Bali Heck, who can blame them...?

Do you have a teenager? Are you in class, or are they? Teenagers 101 is the class Cstar, kestrel, Walt, bits, Brigitte, Tigerlily (TIGERLIL) and LOTS of others are currently taking.

Module I - School work - who needs it? Or, how to pass the 8th grade, and never do any homework!

Module II - Angry teenagers, or has mine been replaced by a Klingon?

Module III - Nobody loves me, and by the way, the student advisor is on the phone.

For the advanced parent, "Sex, Drugs, And Rock-n-Roll and Your Teenager".

Will these parents pass? Will their teenagers? What's a spamogram, anyway? Ask Songbirdie!

Rosalyn let us know that her husband Michael has won the Green Up Gardener of the Year award for his work creating community gardens in Texas. Congratulations, Michael!

Lou gives us complete and exact instructions on how bartenders are chosen(not!) in Mommy, Where Do Tender's Come From? From the sounds of things, it's arcane, ancient, and not terribly rational process. :)

Symbols can be tricky things. One of our member's signature contains Symbols that could easily be misinterpreted. His explanations, and other information gathered by our members shows how easy it is for a symbol to be adopted, changed, and sometimes, distorted.

Lots of newcomers have introduced themselves this month, and we'd like to greet them here as well as on the board. To Gail (GPCOD), Colonist (COLONIST_), Blackmoore (JOSEPH5548), and Harmony (HARMONYK), (and anyone else I might have inadvertently missed!) , as well as a couple of friends we're welcoming back this month, Yola (YOLAXOCHITYL) and Kay (CHRIS448) we'd like to extend a very special: Welcome to Callahan's, and welcome home!

Cat (CATFANTASTIC) started the thread What about never LOSING the night? after a serial rapist in Toronto was finally caught. Join the discussion about personal safety, read or post some tips about protecting yourself, and fighting the "victim" mentality.

More classes: this time *strictly* adult ones (No, you can't read that thread - you're only 13! Yes, I *know* it's in the Humor folder) ::grin:: Check out Silky's (SILKY_43701) instructional, Kissing Ladies? Gentlemen? Pay attention! You just might learn something.....

Does Your Smoke Detector Work? Please find out, and help prevent more tragedies like the one bits (LBT1) had to cope with in her role as a Red Cross worker. Check your batteries twice a year, replace old smoke detectors, clean out the dust, and don't be complacent! Protect yourself, your family, and your friends. bits said it as well as anyone could:

"This is the fifth time in two years that I've had to work with a family who have lost a child to a fire. None of these homes had smoke detectors, and they all happened at night.

" If anyone really wants to do something for their community, why not make sure that all homes, large and small, rich and poor, have working smoke detectors.... "

Cstar's note: I'd like to thank all the folks out there that help make Callahan's a fun, safe, and interesting place to hang out. I'd like most especially, this month, to thank bits (LBT1) for all her advice, help, information, compassion, and friendship to all of us at Callahan's.

Have something you would like to say about our message board? Drop me a line and let us know. Staff

Birthdays this Month

Birthday Greetings were heartily extended to:

Midus   MIDUSTOUCH   October 6
Sherry   CAFEPHILOSOPH   October 9
Kathy   KATHYC   October 10
James   BOMBERMANX   October 11
Bacchus   BRETADDISON   October 14
Deafula   DEAFULA   October 18
Pegasus   PEGASUS   October 21
Sharon   SFAR   October 25

Joke of The Month

Investigators at a major research institution have discovered the heaviest element known to science. This startling new discovery has been tentatively named "administration" (Ad).

This new element has no protons or electrons, thus having an atomic weight of 0. It does, however, have one neutron, 125 assistant neutrons, 75 vice neutrons and 111 assistant vice neutrons.

These 312 particles are held together by a force called morons, which are surrounded by lepton-like particles called peons. Since it has no electrons, Administration is inert. However, it can be detected as it impedes every action with which it comes in contact.

Administration has a normal half-life of approximately three years. It does not decay, but instead develops a reorganization in which a portion of the assistant neutrons, vice neutrons and assistant vice neutrons exchange places.

In fact, an Administration's sample mass will increase over time since with each reorganization some of the morons inevitably become neutrons. This characteristic of moron promotion leads some scientists to speculate that Administration is formed whenever morons reach a certain density. This hypothetical moron density quantity is referred to as "critical morass".

-- kestrel (SHEAR2)

Poem of the Month - "Internet Set"

He fell in love on Internet
With someone like he’d always dreamed
He wants her tho’ they’ve never met

They shared some things she can’t forget
He seems to be as no one’s been
She fell in love on Internet

His heart forlorn as it can get
Her feelings pensive as a teen
She wants him tho’ they’ve never met

He has a wife she’s made a bet
That he won’t ever leave that scene
They fell in love on Internet

They planned to meet but haven’t yet
Now is that grass a greener green?
He wants her tho’ they’ve never met

Neither ever hopped that jet
Their lives are stagnantly obscene
They fell in love on Internet
They wanted it, but never met

--Minstrel (October 2000)

Closing Quote

"If ever there's a tomorrow when we're not together, there's something you must remember-you're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."

--Christopher Robin

Editor's Note

October is a special month, it is harvest time. A time to prepare for the upcoming winter. It is a time for children (and some adults) to dress up and gather candy from house to house. It is a spiritual time for many.

Whatever this season means to you, my hope is that your hearth fire will burn warm all though out it. That you will be surrounded by those you love, and that the joy in your heart will never die.

Until next month, walk in beauty.

We hope you find the Bar Rag entertaining and informative. We can always use good pieces and writers here. If you have something you would like to submit, or have a comment, good or bad, about the newsletter, or if you wish to be added to or removed from our Bar Rag mailing list, simply send us a note.


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